“Pippin the short”, at the Brancati great return of the Opera dei Pupi.

It was held last night at the Brancati Theater in Cataniathe first of the now iconic “Pepin the short”, which inaugurated the 2022-23 season of the City Theater – Theater Production Center.
The unstoppable Tuccio Musumecione of the greatest Italian comedians, has returned to take on the role of King Pippin of France, a role staged for the first time 44 years ago and taken on tour almost all over the world.
Led by the direction of Joseph Romanswith choreography by Silvana Lo Giudice and the costumes of Francesco Geraca on the Brancati stage, together with Musumeci, also the imposing and valuable cast of actors and singers/dancers of the Teatro della Città company: the tenor Massimiliano Costantino (Marante, squire of Falista), Cosimo Coltraro (Morando di Ribera), Emanuele Puglia (King Philip of Hungary), Olivia Spigarelli (Belisenda, Queen of Hungary), Lydia Giordano (Berta with the “Big Foot”), Laura De Palma (The Lamentatrice), Evelyn Famà (Falista, daughter of Belisario) and Margherita Mignemi (The Hunter Lamberto); to complete the cast also: Dario Castro, Aurora Cimino, Francesca Coppolino, Lorenza Denaro, Andrea Di Falco, Alba Donsì, Gabriele Manfredi, Andrea Pacelli, Gabriele Rametta, Claudia Sangani, Giorgia Torrisi.
To make the events and battles of the knights of the court of Francethe armor of the Napoli brothers, skilled and historical master puppeteers from Catania.
With great mastery, through the techniques and movements typical of the Opera dei Pupi and the evocative music of Tony Cucchiara, the company of the Teatro della Città managed to tell the hilarious adventures of King Pippin “the short” and Berta “with the big foot”, entertaining and thrilling the Brancati audience. The audience repaid the skill of the actors with a long and thunderous applause in the open stage and the theater management understood the message: three more dates were added to the initial programming, the show will go on stage until November 26th.

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