Mental health: an open day that increases wisdom

For the world mental health day there Asl Napoli2 Nordin an open day that welcomed industry players, institutions and service users, adopts a highly inclusive model aimed at to eliminate the social stigmaexclusion and self-exclusion to enhance what literature calls wisdom.

And if wisdom is nothing more than a broad pragmatic knowledgefocused on the cognitive or intellectual aspect, and again the result of an application of knowledge mediated by a balance of interests personal and socialwe can say that wisdom, as conceptualized in a study published on Jama Network, it is quality integration cognitive, reflective and affective personality.

The research writes: “Interventions to improve spirituality, emotional regulation and prosocial behaviors are effective in some of the people with mental or physical and community illnesses.

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Modern behavioral epidemics of loneliness, suicide and opiate abuse indicate a growing need for interventions of strengthening wisdom to promote individual and social well-being “.

mental health

In a broad scenario organized by sectors of intervention: from educational projects to rehabilitation techniques, from psychotherapy to working the earth to reading, mental health shows that work that is carried out on a daily basis inside and outside the structures.

The Mental Health Open Day seems to be a party that involves all actors working in mental health and users. Is this a useful approach?

Dr. Angelo Cucciniello – Director of the Department of Mental Health AslNapoli2Nord:

Yes, it is a necessary approach. We are convinced that drug therapy alone, although important, cannot be exhaustive. And if it is true that drug therapy achieves important goalsit needs other factors to act.

This mental health open day is moving towards a Social Welfarewhere the community can enter the field and promote the well-being of the person taken in charge by the health facility, so that this can live in the best possible way.

mental health

The promotion of laboratory activities as the development of practical skills or are they a real form of dialogue?

Dr. Angelo Cucciniello: “They are a rehabilitation modality. We also tend to leave the mere laboratory activity so that a true rehabilitation practice can be implemented.

Cultivating talents.

Developing talent and skills is the decisive step for people to come out of the condition of social stigma e can embark on a path of social inclusion.

On how it is possible to overcome the imposed and self-imposed social stigma, Dr. Alessandra Mirabella intervenes – psychiatrist: “We can talk about the interaction of the two components. Perceiving oneself as the only sufferer generates isolation and the goal of service must be create a network around the person that makes her feel within a group, where she can share suffering in a different way. Amplify openness to others sharing a path of life and not necessarily of illness.

Dr. Adele Rossi, rehabilitation psychiatrist, focuses on the moment of rehabilitation as: “A moment and a chance to experience real and social contexts for people who, because of their pathology, find themselves cut off ”.

What are the major difficulties in the area that you have to tackle.

“On the one hand the availability of adequate spacesthe accessibility that can guarantee a good path “.

Read also: Minimum services of psychiatry: the denunciation



Mental health: an open day that increases wisdom