Kim Rossi Stuart: the new film, the search for God, Medjugorje

On October 20 “Brado” is released, the film by Kim Rossi Stuart which tells the story of conflict and reconciliation between a father and a son. “The love and tenderness that passes between a father and a son is sacred. Today it is difficult to find the meaning of life precisely because the sense of the sacred has been forgotten”.

I read with great pleasure “The Healings” by Kim Rossi Stuart edited by The ship of Theseus because the film will be released in theaters on October 20th Brad, taken from the first of the stories (entitled The fight) in the book. The film, an existential western, is the third directorial work – after Free is fine too And Thomas) by Rossi Stuart and also sees him engaged in the role of interpreter. The artist he dedicated the film to his father James died in 1994.

Kim Rossi Stuart: “True freedom is giving everything to your children”

Kim Rossi Stuart, Roman, born in 1969, He is married with Ilaria Spadaand father by Hector, Ian and Leah. First of all there are them:

I am a person who believes that family comes first. I got there gradually after having believed that the so-called spaces of freedom were needed to perhaps devote oneself to work. But it was a trap. True freedom is giving everything to your children.

(The messenger)

(…) thanks to fatherhood I learned to love by giving all of myself. (…) I wish they were always free. I’m learning to respect their independence.



Shutterstock | Matthew Chinellato

The carreer

He made his debut in the world of cinema and theater at a very young age, and his career boasts extraordinary interpretations that have conquered the public and critics. He has acted in numerous films, including: Beyond the clouds from Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders, Pinocchio by Robert Benign, The house keys from John Amelio. He played “the Cold” in Criminal novel by Michele Placido and returned to work with him filming Vallanzasca-The angels of evil. And then Slowly, alone by Riccardo Milani, Matters of the Heart by Francesca Archibugi Happy Years by Daniele Luchetti Wonderful Boccaccio of the Taviani brothers, The best years by Gabriele Muccino What will be by Francesco Bruni.

(For fans born in the late 80s like yours truly it is impossible not to mention with a touch of nostalgia the unforgettable “Fantaghirò”, where Rossi Stuart played the charming Romuald).

The plot of Brado, the latest film by Kim Rossi Stuart

Brad tells the story of René, a gruff, half-crazy father, an anxiety-ravaged wrestler, and Thomas (in the book Leo), an angry and freedom-hungry son. A ramshackle and dirty ranch where they try to train rebellious horses (half crazy too) as the background to the report of misunderstanding, anger and unchallenged need to find each other and love each other forever by Renato and Tommaso.

Finally, when it was almost dawn outside, Renato’s suffering slowly eased and his breathing became regular. Then, for a few moments, he perked up and opened his eyes. Having found his son’s face, she smiled at him calmly, with infinite sweetness. That last look repaid them for all the suffering they experienced.

(page 60)

The sacred in the work of Kim Rossi Stuart

In the book the theme of the transcendent, of the great questions of meaning, of the search for the sacred appears several times. The story “The nail” is set in Medjugorje, and the one that closes the publication – “At the end of Evil (the last devil)” – has a priest as its protagonist.

“In the three films I’ve made there is always a relationship with the sacred”

Somehow in the three films I’ve made there’s always a relationship with the sacred, with the divine – commented the guest actor on Effetto Notte on TV2000-. This father is a self-centered fighter who sees himself as the creator and not as a mere creature. The clash encounter with the son and the spiritual search are an engine of the narrative from start to finish.


“The love and tenderness of a father and a son is sacred”

The love and tenderness that passes between a father and a son – concludes Rossi Stuart – is sacred. And we tell this in this film. Today it is difficult to find the meaning of life precisely because the sense of the sacred has been forgotten in many cases.


Kim Rossi Stuart: “an extraordinary wisdom in the Gospels”

In 2019 in an interview always for the program Night effect had stated:

I think that Christianity in its essence, therefore in the Gospels, has a wisdom – it’s ridiculous for me to say this, but I’m realizing it – it has an extraordinary wisdom that can be absolutely interesting and fundamental for anyone. From those who have a great Catholic faith to those who can approach Christianity with simply the question: what instructions does it give me for life, what is it telling me? Someone has to explain it to you a bit, alone it is difficult to enter into that wisdom, especially in its paradigmatic stories, in the parables, but here… it interests me a lot.

Kim Rossi Stuart and the pilgrimage to Medjugorje

A few weeks ago at Corriere della Sera the actor, commenting on his recent pilgrimage to Medjugorje, said:

I believe that beyond the degree of faith one may have on the most transcendental, most mysterious matters, in Christianity there are the wisest instructions for man that I have ever come across. Instructions for living, for being in this world. (…) I think there is so much good, so much good in Christianity and that’s why I’m investigating.

“In Christianity there is a wisdom that I could not imagine”

The Scriptures speak to the heart of man, they reveal a profound wisdom from which the actor is deeply fascinated:

(…) what fascinates me a lot is the theological aspect, that is, the meanings behind the Bible and its various passages. There is a wisdom that I just could not imagine. I was used to almost always being faced with bigotry and its worst, really bad aspects. Instead, I discovered that there are absolutely non-bigoted texts and people who are able to explain the Bible to you in another way, a truly constructive and fascinating way, full of human wisdom.





The ship of Theseus

Kim Rossi Stuart: the new film, the search for God, Medjugorje