Grandstand | “Incorruptible of all countries, wake up. The “Fatty Bodies” have plucked you” | The Tunisian Press


QWho are these “Fatty Bodies”? The “Fatty Bodies” are those who found themselves decanted overnight from slums to palaces, from destitution to opulence, from darkness to light. Is it a magic wand, a hit of a miraculous potion, or quite simply a stroke of luck that propelled them to the zenith? The “Fatty Bodies” are those who were invited to the banquet of His Highness “Corruption”. They took the oath of allegiance to him by declaring: “I am there, I remain there”. But for how long ?

Nowadays, who says “corruption” says: “Dishonest act committed by an individual who abuses his power to obtain personal gains or favors”.

In fact, when we examine corruption more closely, we realize that it presents itself in two different aspects: the physical aspect, ie. the material aspect and the spiritual aspect, i.e. the moral aspect, and that it reigns supreme in all corners of the world.

When Ancients and Moderns agree that corruption is a property of this world, we can only agree. Moreover, it even seems that corruption is the property of all the elements of this universe: objects, plants, animals and humans, of course.

To begin with, consider the corruption of matter. Everything on this planet is corruptible. Science attests that the physical universe is subject to the law of movement, ie that everything has a beginning and an end, and that everything here below must complete the cycle for which it was created. So everything is doomed to degradation, decay and ultimately to disappearance. Therefore, accepting this kind of corruption is a sign of wisdom.

What is unacceptable is to endorse the other aspect of corruption ie. its harmful and destructive aspect for the human soul and conscience.

A priori, we can assume that the human soul is pure, benevolent, generous and magnanimous (as JJ Rousseau had attested). Unfortunately, we will quickly fall head first into disillusion. In fact, history and some anthropological studies have demonstrated that the human soul is prone to selfishness, greed, greed, covetousness, in a word, moral corruption. This corruption of the human soul is all the more hideous in that it affects all areas of life and can transform the human being into a “wolf” for his fellow man, a traitor for his country and a nuisance to the environment.

Between individuals, corruption manifests itself in different forms and in several areas. The briber begins by coaxing his fellow man, weakening his faith in his principles, stirring up his appetite for money, and he will even go so far as to buy his conscience and silence it to obtain a good which normally belongs to others. In its most exacerbating form, corruption is everywhere: in the field of health (shortened appointments), in the field of sports (matches that are bought and sold), in the field of justice (biased judgments), in the field of business (manipulation of supply and demand), in the field of the media (scandals, commodification of journalistic work), in the field of education (admission competition and falsification of diplomas) and sometimes even in the field of civil society (garbage collector). As for the sector of politics where lobbying, cronyism and nepotism are legion, it is more a matter of “Grand corruption” than “Petty Corruption”.

Have we ever heard of people agreeing to lie for money, agreeing to close their eyes for benefits, or using their authority to obtain certain favors? If between equals, corruption is badly perceived on both sides; if the corrupter knows what he is doing is not right, on the other side the corrupter knows his act is dishonest, then why do both get involved in these corrupt practices? The stakes are too high and the material reward is far more attractive than any other form of humanism, these corruption buffs would say; these “Fatty Bodies” !!! the social consequences are catastrophic.

Between countries, corruption is a scourge that is all the more serious in that it can lead to bankruptcy, interference and loss of independence. The “Fatty Bodies” of these countries, instead of setting an example of uprightness, probity and integrity, indulge in Machiavellian schemes to hide malpractices, such as tax evasion, money laundering money and all kinds of traffic. They turn the country into spoils and their allies into influential oligarchs. Thus, national wealth is squandered, debts become astronomical, spending abroad bloated. These riches, often gigantic, are capable of transforming the country into an Eden where comfort and joie de vivre would be available to all. If ever an opposition movement emerges, these “Fatty Bodies”, in order to survive, will brandish the specter of chaos, and the bogeyman of civil war and will arrogate to themselves the absolute right of defenders of the nation. Thus, they kill two birds with one stone: they hide their corrupt and corrupting practices, they establish their notoriety and multiply their wealth. For how long should we inquire?

The most distinctive feature of these borderless “Fatty Bodies”, it is that they act like the members of a sect where esotericism and occultism constitute the watchwords. They also act in collusion with networks of for-profit facilitators, helping them escape the nets of justice.

Have these “Fatty Bodies” at least spared the environment: this space common to all and which provides us with the vital natural resources necessary for our survival? Did they ever think of protecting forests, mountains, rivers, valleys, meadows, as well as oceans and seas. Unfortunately, the answer is an emphatic “No”. Because, to satisfy their selfish desires, they have embarked on excessive deforestation, quarrying, river pollution, intensive agriculture, overfishing and the transformation of habitat into a open dump.

Many countries where wisdom and honesty have not given way to the shameful and dishonorable practices of certain “Fatty Bodies”, have put their finger on the wound, and have begun to express their refusal to let this endemic evil s to root more in the universe. Exposing these actors of corruption and shaming them through Naming and Shaming, organizing an international coalition against them to rehabilitate integrity and probity, strengthen the rule of law, establish good governance and prepare the true path of human development where these “Fatty Bodies” will lose their breath, are the only way to salvation, because when the time comes, they will be unable to keep up. They will have gained so much weight that impotence and prostration will be their only consolation!! Then, the incorruptible, with a light heart, will revel in the fruit of their battles, and will sleep the sleep of the just.


*Professor retired english

Grandstand | “Incorruptible of all countries, wake up. The “Fatty Bodies” have plucked you” | The Tunisian Press