“Art and culture instruments of peace”: the online round table promoted by IAACP

Wednesday 12 October 2022 at 20:30 in online mode

October 09, 2022 7:56 pm

“Art and culture instruments of peace” is the theme of the round table to be held on Wednesday 12 October 2022 at 20:30 in online mode. The meeting is organized by the International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace (IAACP), in collaboration with the Academy for the development of the voice; the Teatro delle Chimere; the Art and Trend Association; and the Verso l’Alto Association.

They will intervene Stefania GrossiTheater Therapist, Puppeteer Actress, Trainer and University Lecturer; Enzo FalzoneLecturer, Actor, Painter, Poet and Writer; Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman, Vocal Pedagogue, Teacher, Poetess and Painter; and Enza PenninoIAACP-Italy coordinator and moderator of the event.


“Perhaps it has happened sometimes in front of an artistic expression to feel an intimate emotion, a sense of joy, to clearly perceive that in front of us there was not only matter, a piece of marble, a painted canvas, a set of letters or sounds, but something bigger, something that ‘speaks’ capable of touching the heart, communicating a message, elevating the soul “, explained Enza Pennino. “In the world we live in”, she observed, “we need ‘beauty’ to get out of the greyness of our daily lives and culture to face any discomfort, especially the youthful one”. Culture, she recalled, is not knowledge, but the ability to clarify the relationship that exists between men and understand what really matters in our life. For the coordinator “culture clarifies us, reassures us and with it we are able to understand that we must strengthen our spirituality, not what is material”.


Carlo Zonato, president of UPF-Italy illustrated the reasons and aims of the IAACP. “The Association is a project of the Universal Peace Federation, which brings together an international network of exponents in the fields of arts and culture. The Association’s sectors of interest include theater, literature, fine arts, music, cinema and dance ”. For Zonato, artists are known for their creativity, visionary ideas and can make an important contribution to building a better world. “The IAACP aims to bring together leaders of the arts to tap into a source of talent that can be used to build a world of peace, drawing attention not only to the critical challenges we face as a human family, but also to opportunities for change ”, concluded Zonato.


The UPF is an NGO with a general advisory status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It is an alliance of people and organizations at an international level dedicated to building peace based on the principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and shared universal values. In Italy, among the various initiatives, he publishes the periodical magazine “Voices of Peace”, an authoritative cultural reference point for the debate on human rights and peace.

Online participation – Link for registration

“Art and culture instruments of peace”: the online round table promoted by IAACP