Catania, Pippo Pattavina is Don Blasco. The Viceroys on stage at ABC

An impressive all-Sicilian signed production Theater ABCa cast of sixteen actors, blockbuster scenes and a Pippo Pattavina superb protagonist as the treacherous Don Blasco. The masterpiece of Federico DeRoberto, The Viceroysreturns to the theater in a sumptuous version freely inspired by the novel by the writer from Catania and directed by William Ferro. The show, after the success recorded at the Quirino in Rome, will be the third appointment of the season prose season Turi Ferro 2022/2023 to the ABC Theater Of Catania. After the premiere of Saturday 10th December five replicas are planned: sunday 11, Thursday 15, Friday 16th, Saturday 17 And Sunday 18th December.

On stage with Pippo Pattavinathere will be Sebastiano Tringaliin the role of Don Gaspare Uzeda, and then Rosario Minardi, Francesca Ferro, Rosario Marco Amato, Nadia De Luca, Giampaolo Romania, Francesco Maria Attardi, Elisa Franco, Pietro Barbaro, Giovanni Fontanarosa, Alessandra Falci, Giuseppe Parisi, Federica Breci, Diana D’Amico and Ruggero Rizzuti. The sets are by Laboratorio ABC, the costumes by Sartoria Pipi.

«De Roberto’s novel – explains the director William Iron – is fundamental in the understanding of our resurrection; a family saga, ironic, exciting, cruel, enlightening, which is – in filigree – an essential historical document. The Viceroys are to the history of our country (in general, not only that of the South or Sicily) as i Buddenbrooks are to the German one: an astonishing fresco of transformations, deceptions, misunderstandings, pains, miseries, missed appointments and failures, along two generations. The family of Uzeda crosses the most sensational fault of our national gestation, remotely baroque of the Bourbons to wicked modernity piemuntes».

Published in 1894 in Catania, after a troubled and very painful journey, the novel marks, with its resounding failure, the whole career of De Roberto; in this, uniting it to its illustrious counterpart Tommasi di Lampedusa and his Leopardboth humiliated in life, glorified post-mortem.

The scenic transposition of this new edition – rich, lively, dynamic, blockbuster – manages to preserve its narrative freshness, black humor, the amazement of the narrative plot; building a human show, very present and vital both in the choral scenes and in the more intimate ones. The narrator is entrusted to the most amazing character of the novel: Don Blasco (Pippo Pattavina), religious by interest, whoreseller, cheater at cards and in life, overflowing with vices, bulimic with food, wine, women, tobacco and – above all – with intelligence and irony. A surprising anti-hero, which had never been seen (and will never be seen again) in the Manzonian panorama of our major narrative. Very Italian in his genius as in his miseries.

Pippo Pattavinadean actor of Sicilian and national theater, for a long time protagonist of the highest season of the Stabile Etneo, partner and protagonist of epochal productions, gives this Don Blasco a complex and highly refined stage presence.

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Catania, Pippo Pattavina is Don Blasco. The Viceroys on stage at ABC – Meridionews