“I Travel Inside, Israel for you”, a new site on Israeli culture

“I Travel Inside, Israel for you” is a new French-language website, launched at the start of the school year, devoted to travel and culture in Israel.

Founded by journalist Ghislaine Dichy, it aims to “bring a new perspective on Israel, through travel inspirations, original experiences, proposals for ‘Best Spots’ (in art, architecture, food, tech innovation, fashion, etc.) and interviews with entrepreneurs.

She explains that she wants to “create demanding, quality and very visual content, enhancing the image of modernity of this country like nowhere else, which she is passionate about”.

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“More than a travel diary, this magazine invites you to dive, between past and future, into the heart of Israeli society, its history, its culture, its creativity, its lifestyle: ‘see and experience Israel Inside’ “, she writes in the editorial of her site.

“‘I Travel Inside’ has set itself the task of innovating and awakening a new view of this country like nowhere else: to get out of the framework of the endless standardized circuits, to shake up the clichés and to reveal the avant-garde of this young and multicultural country, captivating and influential on the subjects which engage the future of our world in full transformation. »

“Israel tells a fascinating story that arouses passions and an incredible human adventure: ancestral land, cradle of civilizations and high place of spirituality, country of pioneers and migrants from all over the world, which was built on the ideology egalitarian kibbutz and ‘Start-up Nation’, new eldorado of advanced technologies. »

“This very small country displays an incredible richness: considerable cultural heritage, mythical and vibrant cities, spectacular landscapes, seaside paradise. Its creativity is limitless and goes far beyond borders: artistic vitality, phenomenal culinary scene, cult of innovation. »

“In a context where the greatest rarity of travel rhymes with a quest for meaning, intensity, dreams and pleasure, Israel embodies, more than ever, an essential journey”, concludes Ghislaine Dichy.

The online magazine already offers many articles and reports, such as a portrait of Israeli leader Meir Danonanother of Ben Zion David, “goldsmith of Yemeni culture”a visit to the Agam museum and Tel Aviv Museum of Arta best-of restaurants in tel avivamong other exciting topics.

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“I Travel Inside, Israel for you”, a new site on Israeli culture