Jodorowsky: pensiero astratto, pensiero magico di Edoardo D’Amico

Poeta prima che cineasta, attore prima che drammaturgo, personaggio prima che persona, ma prima di tutto pensatore, laddove il pensiero è la chiave immaginativa per comprendere la realtà.  Psicomagia, un’arte per guarire è l’ultimo film di Alejandro Jodorowsky, distribuito in Italia lo scorso 8 ottobre – un documentario che sintetizza in maniera semplice ed emozionante … Read more

Street artists festival MAGICO CROCEVIA (5 and 6 August)

Extraordinary and award-winning artists animate Madonna di Tirano The Crossroads Magical Festival is back in its classic version on the street and with a lot of joyedition scheduled for Friday 5 and Saturday 6 August in the splendid setting of Piazza Basilica.Two evenings of theater, humor, acrobatics and lightness promoted and organized by the Department … Read more

Tirano prepares to amaze with the Crocevia Magico Festival

The Magic Crossroads Festival, now in its 9th edition, scheduled for Friday 5 and Saturday 6 August in the splendid setting of Piazza Basilica, is back in its classic version on the street and with a lot of joy. Two evenings of shows Two evenings of theater, humor, acrobatics and lightness promoted and organized by … Read more