You have to illuminate by example

DThey say that no one should be forced to change because ‘each head is a world apart’. Perhaps such an argument carries a lot of weight; however, each one decides whether or not to take this statement at face value.

I know many people who set out on a daunting mission to change a loved one and unfortunately fail in the attempt.

There are also those who try to sustain a relationship or a friendship with promises of change and fail to fulfill those commitments either.

What is clear is that you can become the reason someone really changes, without having to force them to do anything at all.

How can you get that?

You should just limit yourself to setting an example, doing the right thing, being transparent, and generally lighting up your environment with good deeds.

The truth is that when you manage to radiate your light, deep down you are sending a nice message to others in which you invite them to change.

The example is, without a doubt, the best image that you project of yourself and is, in essence, what others can admire you for.

Trying to change someone with just advice is not that easy. And it’s worse when what you want to say translates into ‘cant talk’ or ‘recriminations’.

The words, however focused and precise they may be, are impregnated with connotations and meanings that, almost as a general rule, do not fully permeate others.

I am not saying that good advice does not resonate, among other things, because there are conversations and expressions that manage to be healing and revitalizing. However, a change of perspective will only depend on what you yourself can convey by example.

A person’s ‘turns’ require willpower, time, self-control and motivation; change is also a journey in which there are often relapses and restarts.

What am I going with today’s text?

To not look for immediate changes in others I swear, because that behavior does not depend on you, but on them.

What you can show is that you undertake honest and supportive actions, that you are simple, that you are transparent and that you know how to give light and shine in many hearts.

I reiterate that changes cannot be forced, but your example can touch many souls. God bless you!


Concerns frequently assault our mood, especially at this time. However, with each question we have one more chance to face a new horizon, either by reasoning or applying healthy strategies for the soul. What are those fears that affect you today? Tell us about them to reflect on it. Send your testimony to Euclides Kilô Ardila at the following email: In this column, he himself will respond. Let’s look at today’s case:

Testimony: “I don’t know if what I have is an advanced state of stagnation or if it is a simple feeling of boredom because of where I am. What happens to me is that I don’t feel like I’m making progress, but at the same time it could be said that my environment isn’t all bad; I mean, I don’t lack many things. That confusion has me in the dilemma of changing what I’m doing or if it’s just a matter of applying a good dose of spark to my daily life. I would like you to offer me some advice. Thank you for your answer”.

Answer: Before answering, I want you to answer these two questions as honestly as possible:

1. Do you know exactly where you are today?

2. Are you clear about where you are supposed to be tomorrow?

It is essential to elucidate these questions under such parameters, to try to define exactly if your feeling of ‘stagnation’ makes sense or if it is just the product of the monotony you are experiencing.

I’m bringing it up because sometimes the core of this kind of perception isn’t always about where you are, it’s about not knowing where you think you should be.

From what I can interpret between the lines of his letter, in which he does not give me more details, it is that perhaps he is in a relative ‘comfort zone’ and that, to a certain extent, has led him to fall into a routine.

I would recommend that you do not look for excuses to justify keeping your hands crossed.

Regardless of where you are today, sometimes moving forward is a matter of will and decision. Get down to work and go after everything you’ve dreamed of!


* When we least expect it, we are faced with a challenge that tests our courage and our will to change. Such is life, full of surprises! Each crisis makes us look at each other in the face to assume the true determination to act. Therefore, it will always be key to be as calm as possible.

* Don’t be afraid to be alone, goals are personal; In addition, everyone has a challenge to face. And if for some reason a surprising change appears, assume it in the best way. Be clear that there are situations that are accompanied by storms, but they always subside.

* There would be no birth without death, no harvest without sowing; neither would there be laughter without crying, nor work without rest. The opposites are necessary for there to be a balance in the world and in general in our lives. In short, everything is part of a process that can be opposite. That’s what life itself is all about!

You have to illuminate by example