The inner knowledge that guides our lives / By Antonio Las Heras

So “The Kybalion” –one of the most widespread oriental hermetic books in the West– assures that “the Whole is mind; the Universe is mental”.

However, the famous philosopher Francisco Garcia Bazan explains that there is a better translation: “The Universe is spiritual.” Understanding here by spiritual the human capacity to become aware of what is the role and function of oneself in the great universal architecture.

Even modern physicists who work in the intraatomic as in Quantum Physics, have agreed on this fact that thinking something provokes the creation of that same thing in the outside world, by maintaining that time only exists if there is an available observer.

Prestigious university researchers, such as the English rupert shaldrakeare convinced that everything that happens around us is caused by the intervention of “fields” of a psychic nature.

Also the famous psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jungin the middle of the 20th century, expressed: “finally, nothing happens in the external world that, previously, is not preconfigured in the deep personal psyche”.

If it is true (and we are convinced that it is) it means that each event that happens to us is, essentially, motivated by psychic causes, most of them inaccessible to the consciousness of the protagonist. In such a way that it is the power of the imagination and the ability to fantasize what, finally, guides the life of each one. A sentence of the purest initiatory esotericism affirms: “Know your Inner Being and you will know your Lord.”

“The mind, like all elements, can be transmuted -we also read in The Kybalion- from state to state, from degree to degree, from condition to condition, from pole to pole, from vibration to vibration”.

“The true hermetic transmutation is a practice, a method, a mental art.” “Transmute” is to achieve a change in the nature of the substance, turning it into another; It implies total transformation. That is why “the Universe itself is a mental creation.”

The common, normal person suffers daily because their understanding is limited to appreciations resulting from sensory perceptions. Of your five senses. People assume that things are in a single determined way, forgetting the wise proverb: “each one sees according to the color of the glass with which he looks”.

Therefore, when someone affirms that his personality is in a certain way and that he cannot modify it for his progress and his good; you are really cheating. Since if he modifies his thought patterns he will be able to appreciate the same situation in a different way.

That is why we can affirm that there is no written destiny, nor predetermined fatality. We are all architects – as the poet maintains – of the history we live. A hidden force is there to propel our lives with full vitality. Treasured in the depths of each human psyche, guided by the path that spirituality indicates. The important thing is that it is there. Waiting for everyone to make the decision to take advantage of it. That is the moment when the real path of life begins, conceived as a permanent challenge. It is then that the disciple is prepared and will be able to find the teacher who will train him.

To be the architect of your own destiny, all you need is perseverance, effort and permanent creativity. Destiny is not something predetermined but the result of the decisions we make as well as the ones we don’t make.

Antonio Las Heras is a doctor in Social Psychology, parapsychologist, philosopher and writer.

The inner knowledge that guides our lives / By Antonio Las Heras