take life easy

LPeople work more than necessary and, therefore, throw themselves into a wild daily agitation that does not allow them to enjoy the present moment or their due rest.

If this is your case, I tell you that I don’t understand why you force yourself to live at full speed. Haste cannot be your lifestyle.

Beware: the word ‘soon’ does not rhyme at all times, even if you consider that everything is for now. I know that time passes, that opportunities cannot be missed and that tomorrow we may not be here, but there is no need to answer in a hurry or immediately.

Living in a hurry is synonymous with stress. The most serious thing is that for wanting to put the accelerator on his world, he does not enjoy anything and spends his time anticipating a future that is uncertain.

Calm down please! There is time for leisure and to do what you want, just for the pleasure of doing it.

This is not an ‘ode’ to indiscipline or laziness. I just want to suggest that there is a space for everything: it is about dividing the hours in such a way that obligations and leisure are balanced.

Let life flow at its own pace and don’t go at a thousand revolutions; leave that wild agenda to the stockbrokers.

It is not possible to follow the ‘trot of the eagerness’. Banish the idea of ​​conjugating the verb run, because everything has its moment.

Except athletes, nobody is in a marathon. Therefore, a little pause is not too much. Although the 24 hours of the day go by without stopping, you cannot immerse yourself in the speed that comes with work, with worries, with unforeseen events or with anxiety.

Going with a rigid, timed script wears you out, sucks the air out, and worst of all, makes you stumble. It is essential to prevent haste from consuming your strength. If you learn to control the circumstances around you, you will be able to achieve what you want and live in peace.

Regardless of the fact that your environment continues to move a thousand times, you deserve a break. Give yourself five minutes each day to breathe, to pray, and to clear your mind.

I suggest that you become aware of the hectic pace of life you are assuming. Remember that by trying to cover everything, you can end up losing a lot.

If you don’t put a dose of calm in your life, you will get sick. You must take the first step and think more about yourself, without being branded as irresponsible.

Success comes when you get things done, but it’s only real success when you act serenely. Going in a hurry does not add value to your life; on the contrary, it remains.

Nobody is better because they put the throttle on their routine or because they choose stress as their lifestyle.

Give yourself enough time to do your part. It is true that the one who hits first hits twice, but the one who fully enjoys it enjoys more. God bless you!

I listened: The Spiritual Vitamins


* The mind may suffer from amnesia, but the heart never loses its memory. In addition, the skin has memories, sighs refer to great times and wishes always have their owners. Do not allow what you have dreamed of to be diluted. You deserve to be happy!

* Support, motivate, lend a hand and above all admire anyone who is striving to be better. That noble purpose deserves your applause! Even if it is to say a word of encouragement, do not spare any effort to encourage whoever is in your project to grow.

* On those days when kings seem to have their way, remember that God is the one who sets up and removes monarchs. Also be clear that no one is superior and no one is inferior; however, each one is unique, real and incomparable.

* The two hardest tests you have in life are: patience, to sit still and wait for the right moment; and courage, not to be disappointed with what the path brings. It is necessary that you assume some risk in the task of undertaking any journey.


Concerns frequently assault our state of mind. However, with each question we have one more chance to face a new horizon, either by reasoning or applying healthy strategies for the soul. What are those fears that affect you today? Tell us about them to reflect on it on this page. Send your testimony to Euclides Kilô Ardila at the following email: eardila@vanguardia.com In this column, he himself will respond. Let’s look at today’s case:

Testimony: “I have difficulties to face my current world; That didn’t happen to me before. For some reason I perceive a fear that paralyzes me and I can’t move forward. Today I have the feeling of being stuck. The worst thing is that I have had opportunities to get ahead and I have not taken advantage of them. I have always been afraid of everything, because I prefer to go to the landline, rather than take risks. What do you advise me? Thank you”.

Answer: Fear of life itself is a reality of today’s world. As a consequence of it, people tend to create resistance and take refuge in their ‘comfort zone’. From what I interpret, in your case, all this has led you to miss out on promising opportunities that have come your way. Maybe that’s why today he feels stuck in a routine.

I would like you to reflect on the source of your fear: perhaps you had some bitter experience recently? Have you had a drastic change?

Only by searching your soul will you be able to understand what has led you to feel fear in your daily life. What I propose to you is nothing more than unraveling what has you so emotionally blocked.

I insist on telling you that it is necessary to be clear about when that uneasiness began in order to elucidate your current situation.

You must do this introspection and deepen your spirituality, whether through faith, the cult you profess, the prayer you identify with, meditation and even some ancient disciplines such as yoga, reiki, in short. … I also suggest surrounding yourself with enterprising people, so that you get infected with that kind of enthusiasm.

But I must tell you that no one except yourself has the ability to keep you going. Live without fear of life and, therefore, be happy!

take life easy