Suspend the complaint of your life, it is the key to be happy

doHow many times do you complain in the day? From the moment you open your eyes each morning, until you fall asleep, how many times do you express your dissatisfaction and blame others for it?

Each of us could write a book on self-improvement, the world could be a great spiritual encyclopedia, if we delve into our soul and review what we have overcome and learned, instead of complaining.

The problem is that most of the time people remain chained to resentment, pain, suffering and the harmful secondary effects that come from the emotional shocks that we experience in our stories.

I recently attended a wonderful emotional restoration workshop, in which all the participants set out to heal and release all those wounds that we carry from our family histories, one of the things that most caught my attention is that the teacher who taught the workshop is a beautiful 84-year-old lady, a serene woman who radiated light and fullness, who told us that the secret she had to keep herself physically and emotionally fit was that one day she had decided suspend the complaint of your life and that this change in attitude alone had led to the gratitude and inner calm that she experienced.

We are a wounded and resentful society, we go through life blaming others and resenting everyone for what they did to us when we feel hurt, so we bond with the other from the wound.

Violence, social unrest, world wars and family conflicts are born solely and exclusively in the hearts of people who decide to punish and blame the other for their dissatisfaction, their anger and their pain.

A couple of days ago, I saw on the news how some indigenous people kicked to death a policeman who, defenseless and wounded, remained lying on the floor, after receiving a brutal beating without anyone defending him. My heart shuddered when I saw that the people commit atrocities against others; justifying their cruel actions when they have felt like victims, then they are filled with resentment and become victimizers, weaving knots of violence and brutality.

Hundreds of children in Ukraine continue to be injured and killed, others subjected to deep emotional trauma caused by adults who somehow blame others and seek revenge or justice through crimes against humanity.

What is the origin of the internal war that is brewing inside each soul? There will be no peace in the world or in our homes until there is peace in our hearts.

Wars and conflicts are born from the inability of people to take responsibility for their inner healing, for their emotional restoration, to get out of the complaint that turns them into beings eager to collect from someone else, that pain or frustration that they experience in their own heart.

What would happen in the world if all the money that is invested in weapons and wars, we invested it in spiritual healing and forgiveness retreats?

What would happen if each indigenous, aboriginal, soldier, guerrilla, police or president retired to a spirituality center and was guided for a week to live a deep process of emotional detoxification, so that they could heal their history and their pain?

What would happen if parents and children lived therapeutic and spiritual processes of forgiveness, which would help them achieve the resolution of family conflicts?

I believe that we live in a childish and emotionally immature society, which has decided to live in complaints and wounds; without taking responsibility for healing its history in such a way that it can contribute altruistic relationships and behaviors to society, capable of living in values ​​such as respect and compassion.

People prefer to live out of rage and revenge, believing that the responsibility always belongs to the other who hurt him, to the government that did not give him, from the political party that did not solve his problem, from the economic crisis that led to his death. current unfortunate situation.

So when will we be autonomous to stop being victims?

When will we leave the complaint, to take responsibility for giving up the fact of remaining injured?

The souls are chained, prey to their stories of pain, and so they go like fallen soldiers, dragging themselves through minefields of hostility and conflict; because they are incapable of going into spiritual hospitals for inner healing, to heal once and for all, with the firm intention of freeing their loved ones and society from endless chains of aggression and conflict.

Suspend the complaint of your life! It is the key to being happy, it is essential then to review our daily expressions of complaint, it is essential that we realize that, if we complain about our country, our partner, our parents, our children, then our fullness becomes in a feather so light and vulnerable that any wind will make it wobble from one side to the other without achieving any kind of stability.

You are waiting for someone outside of you to come and rescue you from the cruel and hostile world that surrounds you, instead of deciding to free yourself from everything that torments you or takes away your peace…

You are not vulnerable, you are not abandonable, you are not hurtful if you decide that you can free yourself from your history of pain and choose yourself as a person capable of building the world of balance and happiness in which you want to live.

We have all been hurt children and adolescents at some point in our history, we are all adults who carry very heavy emotional baggage that we sometimes want to kick away from us, but complaining does not free us from the personal responsibility of courageously assuming that reality that we live today.

Do you have a partner that you can no longer stand and no longer love? Do you have conflicts with your son or daughter? Do you have a mother or a father with whom you argue and do not understand each other? Do you have a medical condition that overwhelms you? Don’t you have enough money? Is your work overwhelming or monotonous? Is your country in crisis and the politicians are corrupt?

Stop and forcefully assume what you can change, what can you do to stop the daily complaint that makes you a defenseless child before your victimizer?

Insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results!

Today I had the great opportunity to talk with the great Spanish writer Francisco Alcaide, author of the best seller: learning from the bestfrom whom I learned that our personal development is our destiny, that is why there is no better investment than the one made in oneself.

In our family basket we must have a monthly budget to invest in our spiritual development, in personal, marital and family therapy, if necessary, because healing ourselves, healing our family and healing our affective ties, is healing our hurt and broken humanity.

Only through the healing of internal wounds and applying spirituality as a sacred medicine of the soul, we will be able to end the wars that kill so many innocent people, as well as the wars that wound and kill our human relationships in the hearts of our families, for many of them are divided and quartered.

My invitation today is for you to decide to stop complaining about your language and your life, make an inventory of everything you have been complaining about, sit down with that person and propose the changes that need to be worked on, do it hand in hand with a professional, because rebuilding a bond is not making instant coffee.

There will be situations and relationships that you cannot change, so make decisions such as changing yourself, moving away to protect your integrity, accepting and letting go of control, learning the art of bullfighting and thus getting out of the way to avoid being hurt or attacked.

Who do you choose to be to that person or situation you are complaining about?

Make decisions and actions from your responsibility to ensure your well-being, what is not valid is to continue thinking that others are guilty of your unhappiness, because you are the only polisher of your inner diamond, your soul, so make it shine!

Your soul is a jewel that you must learn to polish, removing all the material that obstructs the passage of light.

My pill for the soul:

Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain, no one can be wise if they remain wounded, no one can give light to the world if they lock themselves in the darkness of their pain and turn it into resentment, then suspend the complaint and transform it into your personal victory, it is say in pain healed.

Suspend the complaint of your life, it is the key to be happy