The “Circle of Princesses” ends here with the last of our heroines (Ariel, the Little Mermaid) that I could not but dedicate to the sign of Pisces. Because Water (the element of emotions) is a habitat in which no other sign would be able to survive and in which Pisces, on the other hand, are absolutely at home. On the contrary, in an “arid” environment, which leaves no room for dreams and imagination, they would feel suffocated. Like “fish out of water”, it is appropriate to say. And the similarities don’t end there: to fully understand how astrological Pisces “work”, we need to look at the behavior of real “fish”.

They swim in perfectly synchronized shoals, almost as if they were following the directions of an invisible choreographer, renouncing the temptation to go off on their own in the name of group balance. Indeed, at times it seems to witness the delicate and elegant movement of a single organism, as if to evoke the concept of renouncing the ego and belonging to a higher dimension expressed by the sign of Pisces. They have a thin, fragile epidermis which, on the one hand, makes them not very “shielded” (sometimes they see and hear more than they would like), on the other, it brings them closer to the “higher spheres” of spirituality. They are empathic, they enter into a profound communion with the emotions of those around them, they often perfectly grasp the moods of those around them, to the point of becoming real emotional “sponges”. They have intuition and sixth sense: it is very common that their first impression of people turns out to be correct, especially with respect to their inner harmony, and they know how to immediately understand who can harm them.

Let’s go even deeper. Pisces understands that the stubborn individuality and selfishness that drives the life choices of many are an illusion of this “earthly” plane of reality: on earth (at least in appearance) each for himself. On a higher plane, however, we are all probably reflections of the same light. Pisces are the ones who “bring” this ancestral memory to earth, and who therefore feel more than anyone else that they are part of the same One. They respond spontaneously to “collective” pain or joy but are unlikely to shut the door to their homes and leave everything else outside. This is the meaning of the school of fish that moves in perfect synchrony: it is the “dematerialization” of the boundaries of the Ego, if something happens to you, to a certain extent it is happening to me too. It’s called compassion, and it’s another Piscean value.

Pisces is thelast sign of the Zodiac, those that collect the baton of the experiences and points of view of the previous signs, and add the last piece: the relationship with spirituality. frominitiative of Aries to concreteness of Taurus; from the curiosity towards the surrounding world (Gemini) in search of a refuge for himself and for his own “litter” (Cancer); fromexpression of creativity (Leo) to the domain of logic (Virgin); from the harmony of relations (Libra) to the depth of sharing (Scorpio); from the desire to discover the unknown (Sagittarius) to the need to transform inspiration into project (Capricorn); from sense of belonging to the collective sphere (Aquarius) to a real one renunciation of individuality, which allows the individual to dissolve and be reborn on a higher existential level (Pisces). In some way, the Pisces Archetype expresses the relationship with the divine and that man’s yearning to maintain and recover a link with the “Father’s House”. (keep on)