Hegira: The 1,400 years of exile that mark the beginning of Islam

Edison Veiga, From Bled (Slovenia) for BBC News Brazil

Photo credit, Getty Images

Religions need founding myths. In the case of Islam, this milestone is known as the Hegira – the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (571-632) and his followers from the city of Mecca to Medina, both located in present-day Saudi Arabia. The trip, of about 500 kilometers, was completed in 12 days.

Muhammad was already a respected religious leader. Considered a messenger of God – called Allah by Muslims – he promoted reforms in Judaism and Christianity, while fighting polytheistic pagan religions.

He thus becomes the target of hostility from Mecca, his hometown. Impregnated with his principles and invited by leaders of Medina, he decided to promote this movement of exile.

Hegira: The 1,400 years of exile that mark the beginning of Islam – BBC News Africa