A 2022 of initiatives in the name of spirituality

The Foresteria del Monastero offers a series of events dedicated to students, experts but also to families and young people

CAMALDOLI – There Guest quarters of the Camaldoli Monastery opens its doors and proposes a rich program of events and initiatives which will take place throughout the year.

The proposals are aimed at students and experts but not only: there is also a rich program of proposals for families, young people and people interested simply in spending a time of reflection and silence within the walls of the millenary monastery.

Registrations for the 2022 appointments are officially open and can be received by contacting the Foresteria at the following addresses: foresteria@camaldoli.it – ​​tel. 0575 556013 – fax 0575 555001.

It is also possible to consult the site www.camaldoli.it

Among the upcoming initiatives, the Course of Spiritual Exercises which will take place from 12 to 18 June with HE José Tolentino de Mendonçatheologian, poet and Librarian of SR Chiesa entitled: “Pass, impasse and passages”.

It will be instead Benoît StandaertBenedictine monk and biblical scholar, to lead the Biblical Meditations on the figure of Paul of Tarsus from 3 to 9 July.

And then again: a weekend between the Bible and art dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalenean event dedicated to Jewish women in Italy, courses in Biblical Hebrew and New Testament Greek, theological, biblical and liturgical weeks, weeks of study on highly topical issues such as climate change and affectivity and sexual orientation.

The Foresteria in addition to these initiatives it also hosts groups (parishes, associations …) who wish to spend days following the rhythms of the monastic community but with their own activities and paths. Groups can also request the contribution and accompaniment of a monk, based on the availability of the community.

In strong times of the liturgical year (Lent, Advent, Easter, Christmas) moments of lectio divina and the possibility of welcoming people who wish to live these days more intensely and in contact with the Word.

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A 2022 of initiatives in the name of spirituality