We convene so that the word flows and thus strengthen our processes of struggle and resistance.

The indigenous peoples of Colombia, gathered at this Summit, respecting their own government structures, speak to the country from our mission to protect Mother Earth, to provide answers to the social, economic and environmental crisis that humanity is going through, sharing a message of life, unity, peace and harmony.

We ratify that the peoples walk by principles based on the Law of Origin, Natural Law, Greater Law, Own Law and Word of Life. Historically we have woven hand in hand with the different movements and social sectors to consolidate a closing of cultural, ethnic and social gaps, which guarantees the diversity of rights. In this context, we propose to the world and especially to the new government of Colombia, to govern from harmony, balance and love; maternal and return to the origin.

Our peoples have historically faced discrimination, social, physical and cultural extermination, for which we demand that the humanitarian, economic, social and environmental emergency of the indigenous peoples be declared immediately. We do not want more lives of our colleagues to be extinguished, for the defense of Mother Earth.

In order to consolidate and strengthen the unity of indigenous peoples in diversity, we have gathered within the framework of the summits, to think from the community, analyze and weave political orientations towards the construction of a joint agenda.

Within the framework of this Summit, we reaffirm that we are original peoples, prior to the formation of nation states, with their own governments, backed by indigenous guards and other forms of spiritual and cultural protection of the territory, and we will participate in this era of transition and Change for Life, under a government-to-government relationship, with structural proposals that allow the materialization of our rights and the transformation of the country.

We indigenous peoples will continue to claim our fundamental rights to prior, free and informed consultation and consent. In this context, all legislative and administrative measures must guarantee the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in all their processes, as well as consultation and free, prior and informed consent, as prescribed in Convention 169 of 1989 of the ILO, ratified by Law 21 of 1991 and in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Political Constitution and international instruments largely recognize our fundamental rights; Now we appeal to the political will of the new government to promote the implementation of the Indigenous Territorial Entities, through the Organic Law of Territorial Planning, the systems of the indigenous peoples and the Inter-jurisdictional Coordination Law.

We indigenous peoples salute the initiatives for structural reforms: tax, comprehensive rural, anti-corruption policy, guarantee of full peace, ministry of peace, security and coexistence, ministry of equality, health, education, and labor and pension reforms, in which We will participate from the knowledge and wisdom of the peoples under the principle of progressiveness and non-regressiveness of rights.

The National Development Plan must be built based on the principles of indigenous specialization, territoriality, demography, unity and good living, incorporating an indigenous chapter with the guarantee of budget allocations that allow its implementation.

We highlight the importance of the role of indigenous women as givers and guardians of the life and culture of our peoples. In this sense, “Colombia world power for life” is built with affirmative measures for the equal participation of indigenous women in all spaces and processes. In the same way, young people, the elderly, children and people with different abilities.

Finally, within the framework of government-to-government relations, the Summit has established a direct dialogue commission made up of a delegate from each of the seven organizations (ONIC, OPIAC, CIT, AICO for Pacha Mama, Mayor Government, AISO and CRIC), accompanied by indigenous congressmen, to promptly hold a dialogue with President Gustavo Petro.

Count on us and us for peace and never for war!

DATES: July 26-27-28-29 and 30, 2022