Gers. The Church says it is aware of its transformation as well as that of society

Mgr Bertrand Lacombe is the Archbishop of Auch since October 22, 2020 (©DR)

In a document entitled ” Final summary of the synodal project ” completed in November 2022 and published on the website of the diocese of Auch, the Catholic Church gives the synthesis of a hundred restitutions. The document is divided into three parts:

  1. The testimony.
  2. The Christian Mystery.
  3. Possible directions for the diocesan project.

“We become aware of the transformations of our Church
diocese and our society. »

Catholics observe phenomena already at work almost everywhere in France and in Europe. They identify a population waiting, thirsty to serve and create, and not devoid of hope. They note that the person of Christ is little known.

Explicit rejections of the Christian faith are not glaring, the quiet indifference is strongly felt. Spirituality and psychology, often without god or without the God of Jesus Christ, take a great place in the life of our contemporaries. What prevails is the aspiration to well-being, fulfillment, self-realization by relying on one’s body, one’s emotions and one’s feelings. What do we have to witness where we are?

Gers Catholic ChurchFinal summary of the synodal project

“The Church, a family with very diverse members”.

Catholics describe themselves as multiple (belonging to different communities, sensitivities or currents). What they consider to be the “manifestation of the freedom of the Holy Spirit”. However, the document points to contrasts that are sometimes problematic locally.

We are determined to tame the Catholic brother or sister who is different from us because it is the person of Christ who brings us together. The difference felt or manifested between Catholics in our diocesan Church is in the name of our unique attachment to the person of Christ. How can it be a testimony where we are?

Gers Catholic ChurchFinal summary of the synodal project

The document indicates that Catholics could “go out more to meet the world around (them)”.

In the second partCatholics wish to immerse themselves in the mystery of Christ: in particular to experience the infinite goodness of God, fraternal charity, but also to contemplate the beauty of Jesus Christ.

The five essentials in the parish and in the center

Regarding the possible directions for tomorrow, the subject of the third partthe document sets out five key points:

  1. Prayer: loving God by praying to him and trusting him in everything.
  2. Fraternity: belonging to the family of “Saints” who are the brothers and sisters in Christ.
  3. Formation to remain in a learning position with a view to spiritual maturity.
  4. The service to love in very diverse forms.
  5. Evangelization to discover Jesus, source of life for all, through testimony and proclamation.

To speak of the five essentials is to set ourselves a convenient and demanding standard so that our projects are truly pastoral and fruitful.

Gers Catholic ChurchFinal summary of the synodal project

Reinforce the third places of meeting and exchange.

The document invites us to rely on “ecclesial third places”. They are already being tested in several places in France. They are aimed at people who say “outskirts”.

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These places to which the community would facilitate access or which it would ensure the animation, sometimes with other non-ecclesial partners, “facilitate the meeting, the dialogue and sometimes the awakening of people that the liturgies or the Christian language do not not yet reach. They are places for the promotion of culture or solidarity or living together with an explicitly missionary aim”.

In conclusion, the document invites Catholics to take responsibility and calls them to appropriate the proposals and invest themselves in their concretization.

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Gers. The Church says it is aware of its transformation as well as that of society