Courses for engaged couples, the calendar

(Photo By Markus Spiske On Unsplash)

The family office of the diocese of Fossano and Cuneo has drawn up the calendar of itineraries for engaged couples scheduled for the coming months, in various parishes and spirituality centres.
Marriage preparation course it is a significant stage that helps the couple to verify or build their Christian family project, not just a formal act aimed at obtaining a certificate of a bureaucratic nature. To register, you need to call the parish that organizes the course directly. In the variegated panorama of proposals, shown in the calendar, the longer ones have the intention of giving more space to dialogue as a couple, to prayer and conviviality, to create a group atmosphere capable of making the course more lively and engaging.

For information and registration, it is necessary to contact the individual parishes directly, well in advance of the wedding date, and participate in the entire course: the longer proposals have the intention of giving more space to couple dialogue, prayer and conviviality. If possible, it is preferable to participate in the course offered by the parish where you live or are going to live.

The CALENDAR (dates marked with an asterisk are Sundays):

House on the rock, Città dei Ragazzi, corso Francia 129, Cuneo, tel. 349.8403873. The dates: 11 December*, 15 January*, 12 February*, 12 March*, 16 April*, 14 May* (Sunday afternoons); annual path already started and therefore no longer accessible.

Parish of Genoa, piazza don Bosco 1, Genola, tel. 339.1200692. The dates: 3 and 17 December, 14 and 29* January, 11 and 25 February (= face-to-face evenings + 1 Sunday); path already started.

Jesus the Worker Parish, via Giovanni XXIII 54, Borgo San Dalmazzo, tel. 0171.266611. The dates: 14, 19 and 26 January, 2 and 9 February; (= an initial Mass on Saturday 6.30pm and 4 subsequent evenings).

Cathedral Parish, via Seminario 3, Cuneo, tel. 0171.693630. The dates: 21 and 28 January; 4 and 11 February (= 4 Saturday mornings + a closing mass at 5.30pm).

Parish of Centallo, via Marchesi di Saluzzo, Centallo, tel. 0171.214928, 333.9824243. The dates: January 14, with dates to be defined, approximately on Saturday (= 7 evenings).

Sacred Heart Parish, via Carlo Boggio 4, Cuneo, tel. 0171.692313, 349.6734570. The dates: 28 January plus 4 other dates to be agreed with the participants (= 5 evenings), max 10 participating couples, with precedence for residents of the area.

Our Lady of Grace Parish, via Cappa 1, Cuneo, tel. 0171.401377, 348.4743105. The dates: 8, 15 and 22 February; 5*, 8, 15, 26* March (= 5 evenings, + one Sunday, + 1 final mass at 11.30), max 12 participating couples, with precedence for residents of the area.

Parish of San Defendente, via don Bodino 19, San Defendente di Cervasca, tel. 338.2459447. The dates: 9, 16, 23 February; 2, 9 and 12* March (= 5 evenings, + a closing mass at 6pm).

Holy Spirit Parish, via della Valle 9, Fossano, tel. 0172.242833. The dates: 16, 18, 23 February; 2, 9, 16, 26* March (= 6 evenings in presence + a mass at 11 and final lunch).

Roccasparvera Parish, piazza Castello 3, Roccasparvera, tel. 348.3932928. Dates: 26* February, 11 and 25 March, 16* April (= 1 Sunday afternoon, + 2 evenings, + 1 Sunday), max 6 participating couples, with precedence for residents of the area.

Parish of Caraglio, piazza Giolitti 9, Caraglio, tel. 0171.619131, 339.4813001. The dates: 1, 8, 15, 22, 26* March (= 4 evenings + 1 Sunday), max 15 participating couples, with precedence for residents of the area.

Immaculate Heart Parish, via Dante Livio Bianco 1, Cuneo, tel. 0171.692915. The dates: March 23; 2*, 13, 20, 27 April (= 5 evenings + 1 Sunday).

Parish of Sant’Antonio Abate, via Marconi 63, Fossano, tel. 0172.61346. The dates: 12, 19, 26 April; 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 May (= 8 evenings).

Home Spirituality Center, sanctuary of Sant’Antonio di Boves, tel. 347.5319786. The dates: May 12-13-14* (= 1 long residential weekend, from Friday dinner to Sunday afternoon), max 12 participating couples.

Parish of San Giovanni Bosco, via San Giovanni Bosco 15, Cuneo, tel. 0171.692788. Dates to be defined: call or consult the diocesan website soon (see below).

Saint Joseph Parish, via Cristoforo 20, Borgo San Giuseppe, Cuneo, tel. 0171.401715. Personalized itinerary to be defined, contact the parish office directly.

Parish of Villafalletto, via Sperino 20, Villafalletto, tel. 0171.1740153. Contact the parish office directly.

Parish of the Willow and the Holy Spirit, Fossano, tel. 0172.694200 and 0172.242833. Course hypothesized in autumn 2023: call or consult the diocesan website soon (see below).

INFORMATION: Diocesan family office: tel. 0171.1988840, web e-mail

Courses for engaged couples, the calendar – Loyalty