▷ Christmas in the Sanctuary of Betania means recollection and devotion #20Dic

It has already become a tradition that many families and friends agree to spend Christmas Eve at the Bethany Sanctuarywhere a beautiful large nativity scene located next to the image of the Virgin of Bethany welcomes all pilgrims.


Indeed, when crossing the footbridge of the Bethany Sanctuary visitors are delighted with murals dedicated to the holy father Francis and his holiness Benedict XVI, a mural with the story of the apparition and its approval by the bishop, a monument to the Our Lady of Fatimaa beautiful square dedicated to the Virgin of Lourdes, mosaics with passages from the life of the virgin marya precious monument to the Annunciation and the Holy Family of Nazaretha striking large nativity scene and the majestic image of the Virgin of Betania.

The sanctuary opens its doors from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The rector of this, Father Jhonfer Camacho, officiates the Holy Mass every Sunday at 11:00 am

members of the Public Association of Faithful, Bethany Spirituality Movement very frequently make guided visits to parishes, schools and various groups which include Holy Mass; I pray the Rosary; Bible meditations; experiences with the messenger of the Virgin of Betania, the servant of God María Esperanza; and a tour of several oratories located in Finca Betania: the replica of the Casa Santa de Loreto, the Cenacle of the Lord, La Dolorosa, among others. During this tour they also share their experiences as witnesses of the manifestations of the Blessed Virgin, which occurred on March 25, 1984 in Bethany in front of approximately 150 people, with details and descriptions that transport everyone to that day in order to convey the message of reconciliation and family unity that the Mother of God has given in Bethany.

Visiting the Diocesan Marian Sanctuary María, Reconciladora de los Pueblos located between Cúa and San Casimiro, is undoubtedly one of the beautiful and fruitful experiences that the faithful are invited to live during the month of celebration of the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. After all, sanctuaries are precisely places where God grants impressive favors to those who go there to ask for her help, and the Blessed Virgin through her messages has promised to spread abundant graces to all who visit her.

Similarly, the members of the Bethany Spirituality Movement, through the Betania Choir, offer in the churches, invited by their parish priests, a beautiful Christmas concert where they introduce the new members of the choir, the children and grandchildren of its members. This beautiful Christmas concert includes a nativity scene interpreted by the youngest members of the family. A show that ignites the spirit of Christmas and revives faith in hearts, filling everyone who enjoys it with joy and hope.

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▷ Christmas in the Sanctuary of Betania means recollection and devotion #20Dic – El Impulso