Rome, the Nativity scene of Sutrio (Ud) arrives in St. Peter’s Square from 3 December

From 3 December, the Nativity scene of Sutrio will decorate the heart of Piazza San Pietro in Rome with its 50 cedar wood statuettes.

The Vatican’s 2022 Christmas nativity scene will be the one from Friuli Venezia Giuliamore precisely from Sutrio in Carnia (Ud). Created by a team of eleven artists, the nativity scene entirely carved in cedar wood will fill the heart of the capital with its 18 statues arranged over an area of ​​116 square meters and illuminated by 50 light points.

The Governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Fedriga: “A very important showcase for our region”

“Since the beginning of the legislature, this is the second occasion in which Friuli Venezia Giulia will contribute to the Christmas decoration of Piazza San Pietro: the first was in 2018 with the fir tree, to which the Sutrio nativity scene will now be added on Saturday. It is a very important showcase for our region, which makes the artistic excellence of Friuli Venezia Giulia available to the global community and does so by looking at the environmental sustainabilitydeclared the Governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Massimiliano Fedriga.

“The decision to use the roots of trees broken by the Vaia storm to create the cradle where the depiction of baby Jesus will be placed establishes an important spiritual link between the nativity scene and our region Fedriga added And it contains a message of rebirth which, in addition to enhancing the quality of the work, transmits the founding values ​​of Friuli Venezia Giulia”

The crib of Sutrio, sustainable and with a message of peace

The Nativity scene of Sutrio was conceived with great attention to the values ​​of sustainability: no trees were cut down to supply the raw material: if the overall structure was made with 24 cubic meters of larch wood, Friuli Venezia Giulia certified, the wood used for the 18 statues comes from the resources of the nurserymen active in the public or private gardens of the area: the essence of cedar was planted over a hundred years ago.

A significant detail testifies to the sensitivity of the project for the nature and the mountain: the baby’s cradle was created by the artistic director of the project Stefano Comelliwith the artist Martha Muserand derived from root of a tree uprooted during the terrible storm Vaia: echo of the passage of Isaiah 11,1-10 “a shoot will sprout from Jesse’s trunk, a shoot will sprout from his roots”. The cradle is in fact made with recycled raw material: the supporting structure is made up of old stable beams, while the vortex that will embrace the child is made up of branches and roots abandoned in the aftermath of Vaia, found in the municipalities of Sutrio and Paluzza.

The inspiration of the sculptors then reflects care for ethical and spiritual values: the feelings of humanity, brotherhood, social solidarity and inclusion were the primary reference for the creation of the Holy Family, and of the other characters of the Nativity scene that we will see in St. Peter’s Square.

A “human landscape” called not only to frame the woman, man and child united in an embrace in the cave, but also to remind us of the time and the world in which we live. As in the case of the “Group of figures” made up of a man who helps another man to get up, to get back on the road towards the cave, embodying the hopes for the future of every human being, at every latitude of the planet.

The design code of the design is inextricably linked to the tradition of the culture of wood, in constant comparison with history: the Grotto, with its incorporated comet star, is a metaphor for that vault of heaven, a universal place, called to perpetuate the mystery of the birth of Messiah, and to announce the salvation of humanity.

Nativity scene of Sutrio in St. Peter’s square: the inaugural event on 3 December

The inaugural event is scheduled Saturday 3 December, at 5pm in St. Peter’s Squarewith live streaming on Vatican TV frequencies, and accredited newspapers will have access.

Rome, the Nativity scene of Sutrio (Ud) arrives in St. Peter’s Square from 3 December – News from TeleAmbiente TV