Clare of Assisi yesterday and today and a focus on the new Pinocchio by Del Toro

“Bare your head,” Elder Balvina says. “They won’t be able to do anything to you.” And indeed, the father breaks in to take back his rebellious daughter Clear, who has chosen to join her friend Francesco at the Porziuncola, but stops before her decisive gesture that reveals her cut hair, an act of a penitent … Read more

Music according to the Chigiana Academy. Power yesterday, spirituality today

SIENA – «We have reached the third edition of the rediscovered Chigian international conferences – says Susanna Pasticci, director of the scientific committee of the journal ‘Chigiana’, Journal of Musicological Studies -, whose rebirth, after the long history of the past, is primarily due to the director of the Nicola Sani Academy, which strongly wanted … Read more

Rita Fenendael, beguinages of yesterday and today | 1RCF Belgium

Marguerite Porete Professor of Germanic languages, philosopher and theologian, Rita Fenendael has read many original works in the original language, such as the major works of Hadewijch of Antwerp. It is inspired by the mystical beguine and poetess Marguerite Porète, tragically burned in 1310 for heresy under Philip the Fair but now largely restored and … Read more