5 series we can’t wait to see on Club illico in the next year

Autumn is just around the corner, and you only dream of cocooning evenings devouring series and films, propped up on your sofa? Take a look at Club illico, and you will certainly be satisfied! Videotron’s platform will offer, over the next year, five anticipated sequels, eight major new series and three original films (for a … Read more

Five films to see before Three thousand years to wait for you

Ghosts, magicians, bandits, Mad Max… Some classics and curiosities to better appreciate George Miller’s new film. Mrs. Muir’s Adventure (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1947) “Stop swearing, Daniel! Couldn’t you be a nicer ghost?” The young widow (Gene Tierney) gently scolds her long-dead grumpy captain (Rex Harrison), and frowns at the pranks he plays on his guests… … Read more

Muslim, Jewish… The superheroes did not wait for Miss Marvel to have faith

This is the element that everyone remembers when it comes to evoking the new superheroine from Marvel Studios: Miss Marvel “is the first muslim heroine of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe)”. This identity seems the alpha and omega of the personality of this character. A symbol a little too quickly brandished by the creators of … Read more