Ignatian welcome volunteer for the pilgrims who finish the Jacobean Route

Seven years ago the Jesuits launched the Ignatian reception service for Apertas pilgrims in Compostela, and with it the help and accompaniment of those who finished the Camino, thanks to the work of their volunteers. Some, like Rodrigo Sanz from Valladolid, belong to the Jesuit order, and others, like Coruña’s Iria Gayoso, linked to one … Read more

A director imagines a Japan where the elderly volunteer to die

TOKYO — Japanese film director Chie Hayakawa was hatching an idea for a screenplay when she decided to test her premise on her mother’s elderly friends and other acquaintances. His question: If the government sponsored a euthanasia program for people 75 and older, would you consent? “Most people were very positive about it,” Hayakawa said. … Read more