”la Caixa” Foundation conference in Valencia on care for people at the end of life

The Program for Comprehensive Care for People with Advanced Illnesses of the ”la Caixa” Foundation has promoted a conference this Wednesday at CaixaForum València for its entire psychosocial team, where more than 250 professionals linked to the Program have participated. Various experts have reflected on the systemic approach to comprehensive care for people at the … Read more

Is the Sacred Chalice in the Cathedral of Valencia?

The Holy Chalice It is the most revered relic in the world. Its history is mixed with its legend, uniting reality and fiction around this very special object that generates interest, admiration and a lot of curiosity. The program ‘The pillars of time’ from RTVE trace the trace left by the supposed cup from which … Read more

The celebrations for the 400th anniversary of the Cathedral of Valencia have begun

Item “ Anniversary The program opened with Mass presided over by the bishop A moment of Mass in the Cathedral by Massimo Castellaro As announced, the initiatives organized for the four hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore got underway in Valencia on 9 December 1622, which was begun and … Read more

Buy religious articles in Valencia: three options you should know about

Art, culture, history or symbology constitute the main capital of religion. A legacy that, beyond fulfilling functions within the Church, helps the faithful to connect with their own spirituality and live their faith on another level. The acquisition of religious products and their integration into daily life has a certain liturgical character. Introducing high value … Read more