[Tribune] Along the water – What is at work in the assassination of Lola: France in the midst of a spiritual vacuum

There is always something that prevents French society from debating crucial issues in depth. Laziness, emotional dripping, embarrassment, fear, cowardice, and so many others. In the case of the assassination of Lola, it is the political recovery. The confrontation between the researchers of responsibility is all the more indecent, as it has also deprived Lola’s … Read more

“Left: rediscover common decency” – the tribune of Aude de Castet and Jean

The French left has long been considered a political force of testimony and social protest unsuited to the exercise of supreme responsibilities. It has stubbornly acquired a culture and governmental credibility. This posture has fed an apparatus that has thrived for decades on the gap between opposition discourse and government practice to finally precipitate its … Read more