The White Lotus 2 returned and did not disappoint: the stay included satire, tension and was among the best series of 2022

The White Lotus it quickly went from being a pandemic wild card for HBO, to becoming one of the calling cards of that platform, as well as one of the most popular, awarded and praised series of recent months. In part, thanks must be given to Mike Whitand; the creator, scriptwriter and director of this … Read more

Évêque, un « métier » sous tension

Dans sa voiture, ce dimanche 23 octobre, Hervé Giraud est tourmenté. Il est attendu à 10 heures à l’église de Saint-Clément (Yonne) pour installer un prêtre sénégalais comme curé de deux paroisses, mais sur la route, l’archevêque de Sens et d’Auxerre pense surtout à l’« affaire Santier ». Depuis une semaine, les révélations sur les … Read more

Bilingual poetry: a constant tension between these two worlds

Illustration by Herenia González. *In Mexico, contemporary indigenous literatures have had a wide spread thanks to the participation of young poets who not only know their community, but have also reflected on their artistic experiences inside and outside the country. In Chiapas, the women writers have found … Read more