Afghanistan | The Taliban confirmed in their rigorous vision of religion

(Kabul) Thousands of Afghan clerics swore loyalty to the Taliban on Saturday, but made no recommendations to Islamist leaders on how to govern the country in crisis, on the last day of a rally in Kabul. Posted at 11:27 Aysha SAFI and Qubad WALI France Media Agency This assembly, reserved for men and which began … Read more

Taliban supreme leader attends assembly of clerics in Kabul

Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada appeared in public yesterday in Kabul, where he attended an assembly of clerics called by the regime to consolidate its power. Mr. Akhundzada, who has never been filmed or photographed in public since the Taliban came to power in August, and usually lives in seclusion in Kandahar (South), their spiritual … Read more