Spazio Macos splits into three, solo exhibitions for women at the start

Saturday 21 January, at 5.30 pm, in the premises of the Spazio Macos art gallery, the vernissage of the first event of 2023 will be held, with three solo exhibitions scheduled: Essenza donna by Anna Rita Mattei, 25 works in video display; Innesti by Mariella Stirpe, 12 works in the gallery; Roots … Read more

Iconoclast: sacristans, saints (and holy pictures) by Martinello – Lo Spazio Bianco

Who is an iconoclast? The dictionary reads: “Destroyer of sacred images” and, figuratively, “unscrupulous and irreverent critic of principles and beliefs traditionally accepted as indisputable”. With Iconoclasthis latest comic published by Star Comics with the label Astra, Paul Martinello declines both concepts: physically starts from the first and psychologically enters the second in a book … Read more

Catania: Salvo and Maddy’s “Kites” arrive at the Polo Educativo Spazio 47 in San Cristoforo

Catania, 7 December 2022 – The theater returns to San Cristoforo. The theater is back in the historic district of Catania. Because the theater feeds on people, on real life, on new and curious looks. And because San Cristoforo, and the city in general, needs stimuli, fresh energy, stories. A theatrical appointment, the one we … Read more

Yves Tumor, uno dei concerti più attesi dell’anno allo spazio Ultravox, Firenze: approfondimento

Un vero e proprio evento quello che Musicus Concentus in collaborazione con Disconnect si appresta a portare a Firenze, nella suggestiva e silvestre cornice dell’Anfiteatro delle Cascine Ernesto De Pascale, entro lo spazio estivo Ultravox Firenze. Yves Tumor, innovativo e incendiario artista afroamericano con una vita artistica sospesa tra Stati Uniti ed Europa, calcherà la … Read more