Matt Frevola fait avaler son dentier paré des armoiries royales à Ottman Azaitar

2 minutes et 28 secondes ont suffi la nuit dernière à Matt Frevola pour mettre au tapis le germano-marocain Ottman Azaitar. Un KO pathétique pour le cadet de la fratrie dont seul l’entregent a pu permettre de se retrouver devant le combattant américain pour une rencontre, sans enjeu de titre, dans la catégorie poids léger. Ottman Azaitar … Read more

On the way to Compostela, a father and his son meet the…

SUMMARY Share a highlight A thirst for transmission Their complicity is obvious. Thierry and Martin Sibieude are seated in the shade of parasols, at a cafe table. The words fuse and betray the enthusiasm that animates father and son. On Tuesday August 23, this contagiously energetic duo hit the road with an ambitious project: to … Read more

From Syria Mauro the father, Felice the son and the nurse: the story of the homonymous abbey in Val di Narco

by Carlo Favetti SANTA ANATOLIA DI NARCO (Perugia) – Loving Umbria its beauties its environment its territory. The Umbria of abbeys, churches, monasteries, convents an immense heritage that we will never tire of telling, discovering and spreading. Certainly, there is no doubt that our Valnerina is a valley of jewels immersed in the green of … Read more

After 40 years in Costa Rica, he returned to Gualeguaychú: the particular story of the eldest son of the poet Antonio Machado

Luciano Peralta Along with his wife and a couple of Costa Rican friends, Mario visited the Rawson School last week, where he attended elementary school. It was after 40 uninterrupted years without stepping on Gualeguaychú again, without stepping on Argentina again. Mario is the eldest of the three children born to the poet Juan Antonio … Read more

Mal & Son season 2: Netflix has already scheduled the release date?

The new original creation clearly exceeds expectations and could become one of the most popular series of the year! The adaptation of the literary saga imagined by Sally Green is far from over and the end of the eighth episode leaves us with tons of unanswered questions. Does this mean that season 2 of Mal … Read more

Pour savoir d’où vient son eau, une Juive de Californie se rend à pied à sa source

Le 28 juin, Nina Gordon-Kirsch a pris son sac à dos, elle a ouvert le porte de son domicile d’Oakland, en Californie, et elle s’est mise en route. Cette activiste et enseignante âgée de 33 ans était curieuse de savoir d’où venait donc l’eau qui sortait du robinet de son habitation. Pour répondre à cette … Read more

Coolio’s eldest son opens up about his father’s death and spirituality: ‘He was a wonderful father’

Coolio’s eldest son, Artis Ivey III, spoke publicly this week for the first time about the rapper since his death at 59 last month, revealing the health issues the artist was going through and how important his spirituality was to him. him. Ivey said her father, who was found at his friend’s apartment in Los … Read more

Videntes sinceras: valoraciones de una vidente sincera ¿Qué videntes son las más sinceras? | Canariasenred

Videntes sinceras, las valoraciones de una vidente sincera ¿Qué videntes son las más sinceras y tienen mejores opiniones? Vamos a descubrir algunas de las videntes y la sinceridad que las caracteriza. Una vidente sincera, puede ser la clave de tu éxito en el mundo espiritual. Hoy, puedes conocer muchos detalles del mundo mágico. Lo que … Read more

Monika Morales: “I am a chosen mother, having a deaf son is my gift”

“My son suffers from Mondini dysplasia, which means that his cochlea or cochlea of ​​the ear is incomplete, and this deformity in the shape of the organ causes his total hearing loss. When Gabriel was diagnosed in Cuba there were not many cases like his, however, after three years of waiting I managed to have … Read more