Soleil Sorge Emotions Talking About Her Mother Wendy Kay: ‘She Had Breast Cancer Twice’

Interviewed by, Soleil Sorge spoke about her career, her desire to become a mother and the need to keep her relationship with Carlo Domingo private, with whom she is very much in love. Then, she was moved to talk about her mother’s battle with breast cancer. Sun rises she told herself in a long … Read more

Si vous avez aimé Avant le lever du soleil, vous allez adorer ces films | Jolie Bobine

À bien des égards, Before Sunrise de Richard Linklater est l’histoire de coup de foudre la plus digne d’être évanouie et le plus grand film de la Saint-Valentin. Jesse (Ethan Hawke) et Céline (Julie Delpy) se rencontrent dans un train en Europe : Céline est sur le chemin du retour à Paris pour l’école, mais … Read more