“Work has replaced religion in Silicon Valley”

If the hour is with the great resignation in many professional sectors in the United States, the large American firms of Tech seem partly spared by this movement. But how to explain the attachment of skilled workers to their companies in Silicon Valley? An American sociologist, Carolyn Chen, provides an answer: according to her, work … Read more

Dave Asprey, gurú del ‘biohacking’ en Silicon Valley: “Los millonarios de hoy abrazan su lado salvaje”

El evento aspira a convertir a Eivissa en el santuario espiritual que fue durante la década de 1960, cuando muchos hippies se mudaron hasta la isla para vivir de forma alternativa. Según los organizadores del primer Alma Festival, la idea es mostrar la espiritualidad moderna en un entorno natural mediante “charlas junto a la chimenea, … Read more

OneTaste: Netflix offers a film on the cult of orgasm and its excesses in Silicon Valley

Netflix took the initiative to take us to one of them: The Orgasm Industry: The Story of OneTastea company founded in the mecca of start-ups, tech gurus and the land of innovation that is Silicon Valley, which promised ” spiritual enlightenment and community through 15 minute female orgasms“. However, what started out as just an … Read more