Shards of light: thoughts on the festive Gospels of Don Cosimo Monopoli

This is how Jesus Christ was generated: his mother Mary, being betrothed to Joseph, before they went to live together, found herself pregnant by the work of the Holy Spirit. Joseph of her husband of her, since he was a just man and did not want to accuse her publicly, he thought of repudiating her … Read more

Shards of Light: Thoughts on the Festive Gospels by Fra Andrea Nico Grossi of Saluzzo

During that time, [dopo che ebbero crocifisso Gesù,] the people watched; the leaders, on the other hand, mocked Jesus saying: «He saved others! Save yourself, if he is the Christ of God, the chosen one». Even the soldiers mocked him, they approached him to offer him vinegar and said: “If you are the king of … Read more