Limitations to the right to religious freedom beyond conflicts in the name of religion

As stated in the Resolution A/RES/73/296 of the General Assembly of the United Nations, on the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, celebrated every August 22, condemns violence directed at individuals, including persons belonging to minorities religious, on the basis of or in the name … Read more


Niché au sommet d’une légère côte, juste après l’entrée de la ville, le Prieuré de Saint-Germain-des-Fossés apparaît comme une vision miraculeuse. Joyau architectural de la ville, ce site clunisien de la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle abrite depuis le début des années 2000 une communauté de religieux, les frères de Saint-Jean. Une petite communauté guidée … Read more

Stéphane Lavignotte : « Le capitalisme est un parasite de la religion chrétienne »

D’abord militant écologiste à Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV), Stéphane Lavignotte est devenu pasteur et anime maintenant la Maison ouverte à Montreuil (93). Il vient de publier L’Écologie, champ de bataille théologique (éd. Textuel). Écoutez l’entretien complet de Stéphane Lavignotte dans Les Grands entretiens de Reporterre : Reporterre — Stéphane Lavignotte, vous croyez en Dieu. Ça veut … Read more

Brazil | Lula criticizes the use of religion for politics and says that his goal is to treat all believers equally

The former Brazilian president and favorite to win the elections on October 2, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvacriticized this Wednesday the use of religion to do politics and denied that he is going to have a speech aimed at evangelical voters, a group in which President Jair Bolsonaro leads in public opinion polls, because he … Read more

Religion and politics, beyond secularization

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Until recently it had seemed that the all-pervasive secularization had completely swept away the old ties between religion and politics, with the end of sectarian political parties and the civil autonomy of the masses of citizens, not only in Italy. And instead we realize that the scenarios have changed … Read more

Why is religion omnipresent in “Dune”?

In the year 10191, Paul Atréides, played by Timothée Chalamet in Denis Villeneuve’s film, lands on a desert planet called Arrakis. With his mother, Jessica, a member of the influential Bene Gesserit religious order, the young man will bond with an indigenous people with customs inspired by Islam – the Fremen – and face his … Read more

Afghanistan | The Taliban confirmed in their rigorous vision of religion

(Kabul) Thousands of Afghan clerics swore loyalty to the Taliban on Saturday, but made no recommendations to Islamist leaders on how to govern the country in crisis, on the last day of a rally in Kabul. Posted at 11:27 Aysha SAFI and Qubad WALI France Media Agency This assembly, reserved for men and which began … Read more

These stars who have changed their religion

While the actor had converted to Islam in the 60s, actor Gérard Depardieu decided to change his religion. On September 4, 2020, the sacred monster of French cinema was baptized an Orthodox Christian in the Saint-Alexandre-Nevski cathedral in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. Information confirmed by Russian journalist Dmitry Smirnov who shared a photo of … Read more