Le bugie e la disinformazione del regime di Aliyev che accusa gli Armeni di distruggere le moschee in Artsakh

[Korazym.org/Blog dell’Editore, 16.11.2022 – Vik van Brantegem] – I funzionari dell’agitprop (termine russo, da “agitazione e propaganda”) del dittatore azero accusano con bugie e diffondono disinformazione sugli Armeni che “dissacrano le moschee nell’Artsakh”. Quando il regime di Ilham Aliyev parla di “moschee distrutte in Artsakh”, cerca di mettere il mondo musulmano in rivolta contro gli … Read more

Le film «Eternal Spring» retraçant un acte incroyable de résistance face au régime communiste chinois présenté en avant

NEW YORK – Il y a vingt ans, un groupe du nord‑est de la Chine a réussi à réaliser un exploit qu’aucun Chinois n’avait jamais fait auparavant. Pendant près d’une heure, le groupe a pris le contrôle d’une chaîne de télévision publique chinoise pour diffuser des informations sur le Falun Gong, une discipline spirituelle persécutée … Read more

Bruno Latour, thinker of the “new climate regime”, is dead

Bruno Latour, in Paris, in January 2022. YANNICK LABROUSSE The sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher Bruno Latour died on the night of Saturday October 8 to Sunday October 9 at the age of 75, in Paris, learned The world from family sources and La Découverte editions. He is one of the most important French intellectuals of … Read more

Iran, an increasingly unpopular regime

This regime is a barbarity that undermines the values ​​of Islam. Yet Iran is a great country, has a beautiful civilization, a great culture, unfortunately dominated today by ayatollahs who sacrifice their youth for a question of veil. The time has come to count your friends and distance yourself from your enemies. The more Morocco … Read more

Iran: proteste continue ma il regime resta rigido | Il Bo Live UniPD

Proteste a Tehran, foto di Wana News Agency per Reuters Stiamo davvero ascoltando? La comunità internazionale è consapevole dell’importanza di cosa sta accadendo in Iran? Eppure continua a salire altissimo il grido delle donne iraniane, la loro richiesta di libertà, del rispetto dei loro diritti, contro qualsiasi obbligo, contro la violenza. Sono due settimane che … Read more

The redesign of the economic regime of marriage in Cuba, diversity and pluralism

Evoking the institution of marriage implies a first and practically involuntary association with issues such as the community of affections, love, spirituality, passionate feelings and a whole series of emotions that remain on the plane of subjectivity. However, marriage has an economic or patrimonial component as important as the personal content and which is responsible … Read more

Iranian Pilgrims Dismiss Attempts At Normalization Pacts With ‘Criminal Zionist Regime’

From Saudi Arabia at the Hajj pilgrimage, Iranians also raised their voices in support of Palestine. The Hajj, the major pilgrimage to Mecca, is a paramount religious duty in Islam and is considered one of the cornerstones of the faith. A large crowd of Iranian pilgrims gathered this Friday at a point in the city … Read more