Dévotion, polyphonie et spiritualité franciscaine dans son œuvre religieuse : épisode • 14/18 du podcast Entretiens avec Francis Poulenc

Quels rapports entretient  Francis Poulenc à son œuvre religieuse ? Et à la foi ? En 1953-1954, le producteur et musicologue Claude Rostand propose une série de dix-huit entretiens sur Paris Inter consacrés au compositeur. L’occasion pour lui de se révéler à travers sa vie, son œuvre. Une œuvre éclectique dans laquelle se dégagent d’un côté des pièces légères, … Read more


La spiritualité peut-elle avoir un impact positif sur la santé mentale? Jacques Besson, psychiatre et addictologue, professeur honoraire à l’Université de Lausanne, en est convaincu. Sa conviction est née d’une observation des débuts de sa carrière, lorsqu’il accompagnait des personnes dépendantes à l’alcool également suivies par les Alcooliques Anonymes: “J’ai vu des patients qui étaient … Read more

Estos son los 10 podcast más reproducidos de Apple Argentina este día

Estos son los 10 títulos que todos los usuarios están buscando en Apple. (Infobae) Considerado como uno de los formatos digitales más “íntimos”, los podcast han ganado fama y se han posicionado entre el gusto del público argentino a raíz de la llegada de plataformas por streaming en el nuevo milenio como es el caso … Read more

Los mejores podcast de Spotify Argentina para escuchar este día

Estos son los títulos más buscados por los suscriptores de Spotify. (Infobae) Los podcast son productos de audio que están al alcance a través de archivos o plataformas por streaming, como es el caso de Spotify y una de sus grandes ventajas es que el usuario puede escucharlo cuando lo desee y cuantas veces quiera. … Read more

Lina Rose launches her ‘Trust and Flow’ Podcast

Lina Rose continues on her path as a healer and as a communicator of spirituality, with her new podcast called ‘Trust and Flow’. Also a singer, she demonstrates her broad spiritual connection, sharing with us that person full of forgiveness and connected with her heart, based on this new spiritual learning. Within his podcast he … Read more

What is the most played podcast today on Spotify Argentina

Although there are many debates about the origin of the podcast and which was the first in history, there is no doubt that the rise of streaming platforms such as Spotify in the new millennium have boosted the popularity of this format. As the word says “podcast”it is an audio product that describes an episodic … Read more

What is the most popular podcast today on Spotify Argentina

More than a dozen streaming services are fiercely competing to be kings of the market, Spotify among them. (Infobae) Considered one of the most “intimate” digital formats, The podcasts have gained fame and have positioned themselves among the taste of the Argentine public following the arrival of streaming platforms in the new millennium, such as … Read more

What is the most popular podcast today in Apple Uruguay

Although there are many debates about the origin of the podcast and which was the first in history, there is no doubt that the rise of streaming platforms such as Apple in the new millennium have boosted the popularity of this format. As the word says “podcast”it is an audio product that describes an episodic … Read more