“The State”, “freedom”, “defending one’s rights”: here are the subjects of the bac philo 2022

This is the last straight line for the 2022 baccalaureate. Some 520,000 high school students take the dreaded philosophy test on Wednesday morning, in the context of an exceptional heat wave throughout France. Since 8 a.m., final year students from general and technological high schools have been working on three subjects of their choice (two … Read more

Idées cadeaux : histoire, philo, voyage… Des livres pour un Noël ouvert sur le monde

Un dictionnaire amoureux de la bêtise, une plongée au cœur de l’anthropocène, une collection de trésors proustiens… Notre sélection d’essais et beaux livres à offrir. frise “Voyage au pays des boxeurs”, Loïc Wacquant Bienvenue dans le temple pugilistique ! Dans ce grand livre de photo-ethnographie, Loïc Wacquant, professeur à l’université de Berkeley et ancien élève de … Read more

Turkey: censorship of “Philo Snacks”, prohibited for children under 18

The ax of censorship fell again, in Turkey, this time targeting philosophy books for children. 7 titles from the “Les Goûters philo” collection, translated into Turkish and published by the Günışığı Kitaplığı publishing house, are now prohibited for those under 18, due to images, terms and expressions that threaten “ the spirituality of the child … Read more