“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Luke 21:33

Share on networks: January 14, 2023Sylviane & Jeanine «Le ciel et la terre passeront, mais mes paroles ne passeront point.»Luc‬ ‭21‬:‭33‬ ‭ Christ conseille à ses disciples d’observer les « signes des temps », afin de ne pas être surpris par le Jugement divin à venir. Ce conseil est précieux pour aujourd’hui . Au … Read more

Increase of the Navigo pass: beware of the symbol

Dyears “the civilization of the middle class”, to use the expression of the sociologist Louis Chauvel, spatial mobility is central. Without it, this civilization collapses. Access to good schools – or to schools in general –, to employment away from home, to places of culture, worship and sociability is simply made impossible. We touch on … Read more

ANDREA RA, la musica contro il rumore del conformismo e la lotta al green pass

Questa coerenza l’ha pagata cara, soprattutto per aver criticato la gestione pandemica. Andrea è un artista che non ci sta ad essere una pedina del mercato musicale, della società transumana e dei poteri occulti. E’ stato premiato come miglior bassista italiano alternative nel 2017 al MEI (Meeting delle etichette indipendenti), e nel 2002 già era … Read more

This parishionerless parish that sees thousands of people pass by every day

It is a church that vibrates as much as the neighborhood that surrounds it. Saint-Louis d’Antin is a living parish, a place of passage and contemplation, training and prayer. Report in one of the busiest churches in Paris. Whatever time of day you go there, you are never alone in Saint-Louis d’Antin, a parish located … Read more