Qué ver y hacer hoy en Pamplona y Navarra

MÚSICA Concierto acústico ‘Canciones al oído’. Civivox Condestable. 12 h. Porque el próximo 21 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial de la Poesía y el 27, el Día Mundial del Teatro. En este tiempo en el que la incertidumbre nos golpea se hace más necesario que nunca buscar la cercanía a través del arte … Read more

What to see and do today in Pamplona and Navarra

WOMEN’S DAY Pamplona-25N-International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women’. Today, ‘Coffeeing’-Workshop ‘Shall we talk about… healthy love and prevention of abuse?’. Pamplona Youth House. 19 hours. This activity aims to help young people identify abuse in relationships, as well as offer a guide that can help build healthy affective bonds, beyond the concept … Read more

Jotas, the young man with a legion of followers in Pamplona: “They ask me for photos because I’m real”

jacks did not open Instagram to gain followers, but in recent years every time youngsters from Pamplona stop him on the street to ask him for a photo. At 27 years old, he has about 3,000 followers on his account (@jotas94_). An embalmer by profession, he even thought of becoming a doctor, and he attributes … Read more