Palio, oggi tocca ai più piccoli: i temi storici della sfilata dei bambini

Oggi pomeriggio oltre mille bambini sfilerannoo per le vie della città di Asti. Questa iniziativa portata avanti dal Collegio dei Rettori e figlia di una lungimirante idea di Maddalena Spessa propone a dimensione di bambini temi storici del medioevo astigianoI giovani sfilanti, tamburini e sbandieratori, poi, prenderanno posto sulla tribuna Alfieri per assistere alle prove … Read more

Palio, i temi storici della sfilata dei bambini, sabato 3 settembre

Al sabato della vigilia del palio oltre mille bambini con indosso abiti medievali sfilano per le vie della città di Asti. Questa iniziativa portata avanti dal Collegio dei Rettori e figlia di una lungimirante idea di Maddalena Spessa propone a dimensione di bambini temi storici del medioevo astigianoI giovani sfilanti, poi, prenderanno posto sulla tribuna … Read more

La Nación / Archiepiscopal Palio: Monsignor Martínez asked for the intercession of Chiquitunga for his ecclesial mission

This Friday, the ceremony for the imposition of the archiepiscopal pallium on Monsignor Adalberto Martínez Flores was held in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Asunción, led by the nuncio Monsignor Eliseo Arioti. Coincidentally, the religious today celebrates his 71st birthday, and in his homily he expressed his concern for the moral recovery of the nation, just … Read more

La Nación / Archbishop’s Palio: Monsignor Martínez asked for the intercession of Chiquitunga for his ecclesial mission

This Friday, the ceremony for the imposition of the Archbishop’s Palio was held on Monsignor Adalberto Martínez Flores in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Asunción, by the nuncio Monsignor Eliseo Arioti. Coincidentally, the religious today celebrates his 71st birthday, and in his homily he expressed his concern for the moral recovery of the nation, just as … Read more

The program of the third day of Vigiliane Feasts between choirs, Palio dell’Oca and the veni creator in the Duomo

TRENTO. Third day of Feste Vigilianethe event in honor of the patron saint of the city of Trento organized by S. Chiara cultural service center with the collaboration of ProLoco Historic Center of Trento for some of the most popular events. After the Historical Parade and the Court of Penance, the day of the long-awaited … Read more

Choirs, Palio dell’Oca and the Veni Creator in the Duomo

The program of the third day of the Vigiliane Feasts Third day of Vigiliane Feasts, the event in honor of the patron saint of the city of Trento organized by the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara with the collaboration of the ProLoco Centro Storico Trento for some of the most popular events.After the Historical Parade … Read more