Beato Miguel Sopocko, perseguido por nazis y rusos, y director espiritual de Sor Faustina Kowalska

Nadie niega el valor que tienen los soldados durante el combate y los valores por los que ponen en juego su vida. Y entre ellos destacan unos personajes capaces de ir a los frentes más sangrientos sin un arma con la que defenderse: los capellanes castrenses. Algunos de ellos al final de sus vidas la … Read more

Vittorio Gassman, the Italian actor and director whose mother took an ‘n’ from his last name to save him from the Nazis

AJN Agency.- Tomar is a small historic town in central Portugal, about 145 kilometers northeast of Lisbon, best known for the remains of an impressive Templar fortress and a magnificent monastery that attract many visitors. Less known is the Synagogue of Tomar, the oldest Jewish prayer house in Portugal, which reopened its doors at the … Read more

Franz Jägerstätter, spiritual resister against the Nazis

“If things are not so bad (…), thank in large part those who faithfully lived a hidden life and who rest in tombs that no one visits anymore. Signed by the novelist George Eliot in 1871, this quote could not better shed light on the long-forgotten destiny of Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943). She comes by upsetting … Read more