Libros de Amazon México: quién es el autor más leído este día

Tiendas en línea como Amazon se han convertido en un recurso de los lectores, pues a través de ellas se pueden adquirir libros de forma rápida y sencilla, sobre todo para aquellos quienes no tienen disponible tanto tiempo para visitar las librerías o las bibliotecas. Desde aliviar la tristeza, ayudar a lidiar con la ansiedad, … Read more

Libros de Amazon México: top de los títulos más vendidos este día

Los libros son un fuerte oponente para las plataformas de streaming, pues al igual que Netflix, HBO y Disney, estas historias son capaces de mantener al borde de la silla a quienes los consumen. De ello ha sido consciente Amazon, plataforma que ha apostado por la venta de éstos. Y es que pese a haber … Read more

Amazon Mexico books: who is the most read author today

There have been several titles that experts have named as “best selling books in history” as The Bible either Don Quijote of La Manchahowever, the book has been created for several centuries and there were not always ways to measure which were the most popular works –like now amazon does– coupled with the level of … Read more

With Soy Creator, Hotmart promotes the development of Content Creators in Mexico

Hotmart spear I am createdr, a movement to accelerate the construction of the Creator Economy. With educational content and community events, the company, a world leader in the distribution of digital products, offers Mexicans everything necessary for digital content creators to have more autonomy and financial freedom when entering a fast-growing world market. In the … Read more

4 wellness destinations in Mexico where you can free yourself from the city routine

If what you need is a place to be in contact with nature, do a spiritual retreat, meditate or receive a massage, among other relaxation activities this summer, Take offthe leading travel company in Latin America, presents four wellness destinations in Mexico where you can free yourself from the city routine: Wellness destinations in Mexico … Read more

Dean Owens: Trip to New Mexico

The Grammy Awards announced several new awards, including Songwriter of the Year. For the first time in its six-decade history, the Grammy Awards are adding an award to specifically honor the music industry’s most prolific songwriters. As part of a series of rule updates and changes announced Thursday morning by the Recording Academy, the new … Read more

Isaac Aranguré, the filmmaker who will bring the flavor of Sinaloa to all of Mexico

MAZATLAN. – Have you ever thought about changing the course of your life? Doing something that makes you happier? Or simply do different things for the good of yours and your community? That was what Isaac Aranguré Valdés did, who went from being a teacher to a politician to become the creative director of a … Read more