Madonna della Consolazione of Reggio Calabria, Mancuso: “Event of identity and spirituality”

Reads in: 2 minutes Cult and tradition The President of the Regional Council will pay homage to the sacred image during the passage of the “Vara” in front of Palazzo Campanella Published on: 09/09/2022 – 14:51 REGGIO CALABRIA “It is an extraordinary moment of unity and identity around which the prayers and passions of the … Read more

Bishop Zenti retires tomorrow. In recent times he has created chaos in the diocese (V. Mancuso and A. Sillioni)

I learn from Adista, and then directly from the interested party to whom I asked for confirmation, that the bishop of Verona dismissed Marco Campedelli from the post of professor of religion at the Liceo Maffei in Verona, held by Campedelli for 22 years.A few simple questions and some observations. 1) Who are the two … Read more

The Pope on Rai 3 from Fazio, Mancuso: “On TV to reach everyone. With empathy and humor, Francesco touched people’s hearts “

VATICAN CITY. “I had some perplexities about the Pope’s TV interview, in an unprecedented popular context for a Pontiff, and instead he literally won me over”. This was exclaimed by Vito Mancuso, Catholic theologian and philosopher (moreover considered by a large part of the ecclesial galaxy a “heretic”), after following the historic conversation by Fabio … Read more