‘La Mama Negra’, el rito mercedario que vuelve a los Andes tras la pandemia

“La Mama Negra”, el tradicional rito mercedario que se rememora desde hace décadas en el centro de los Andes ecuatorianos, ha vuelto a las calles de Latacunga con algarabía, después de dos años de restricciones por culpa del coronavirus. Los residentes de Sauces 4 insisten en el pedido del regeneración de sus calles Leer más … Read more

Mamá Antula: no pudieron con ella

Al jesuita historiador vallisoletano,  el padre Manuel Luengo (1735-1816), desterrado en los Estados Pontificios como otros muchos hermanos suyos de la Compañía de Jesús, le llegaban noticias desde Argentina acerca de una mujer fuera de lo común y decidió informarse sobre ella. Por eso, en 1785, en su Diario sobre la expulsión de los jesuitas … Read more

La Mama Negra, a rite that returns after the pandemic

La Mama Negra is the representation of an African character who pays homage to the Virgin of La Merced. Photo: EFE The tradition of the Mama Negra has been commemorated for decades in LatacungaCotopaxi province. On this occasion it was celebrated with merriment, after two years of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic. This unique … Read more

Mama África, cultural ambassador of Angola and Africa

In her Casa Museu de Luanda, Aminata Goubel, alias Mama África, warmly welcomes all those who want to discover African and Angolan cultures. A “cause” which is the pride of this ex-journalist who has become a leading personality in Angola. A respected former actress and journalist, Aminata Goubel, better known as Mama África, is today … Read more

Mario Carrillo and his relationship with the witch Mama Toña

Mario Carrillo is a peculiar coach, no one doubts his ability, which he has amply demonstrated, especially in America, when he was champion in the Clausura 2005. Although it has also had its controversial passages Y there is one in particular that overwhelmed the Pumas board when the hat He addressed the university students. From … Read more

[CONCOURS] Take part in the MaMA Music & Convention

Rolling Stone invites you to win your entries for the next edition of the MaMA Music & Convention. From October 12 to 14, the MaMA event is held in the Pigalle district (Paris), both a festival and a musical convention. Professionals and music enthusiasts will meet there for conferences, workshops and debates, but also for … Read more

La Mama Negra, the rite that is back in the Andes

The Black Mama, the traditional Mercedarian rite that is remembered decades ago in the center of the Ecuadorian Andes, has returned to the streets of Latacunga with hubbub, after two years of restrictions due to the coronavirus. Is unique religious celebration in the worldconsidered as Intangible Heritage of Ecuador, brings together features of the Andean … Read more

“La Mama Negra”, the Mercedarian rite that returns to the Andes after the pandemic

Quito, Sep 24 (EFE) .- “La Mama Negra”, the traditional Mercedarian rite that has been remembered for decades in the center of the Ecuadorian Andes, has returned to the streets of Latacunga with hubbub, after two years of restrictions by blame the coronavirus. This unique religious celebration in the world, considered Intangible Heritage of Ecuador, … Read more

“La Mama Negra”, the Mercedarian rite that returns to the Andes after the pandemic

This content was published on September 24, 2022 – 18:24 24 September 2022 – 18:24 Quito, Sep 24 (EFE) .- “La Mama Negra”, the traditional Mercedarian rite that has been remembered for decades in the center of the Ecuadorian Andes, has returned to the streets of Latacunga with hubbub, after two years of restrictions due … Read more