The spirituality of Luc Ferry

There is, at the heart of the human being, a deep, ineradicable anguish, linked to his awareness of the inescapable death. “Without death, there would probably be no philosophy,” wrote Schopenhauer in the 19e century. The French philosopher Luc Ferry also attributes to our awareness of the fragility and brevity of life our “singular penchant … Read more

“Simone Pacot”, by Luc Weizmann: portrait of a woman from the depths

Simone Pacot. passerby of life Luc Weizman Salvator, 306 pages, €21 Released in 1997, L’Evangélisation of the depths by Simone Pacot made a lasting impression on many readers. But few know precisely who this author, born in 1924 and died in 2017, is. Luc Weizmann, her godson and friend, therefore fills a gap with this … Read more