De diaconisa anglicana a católica evangelizadora: hoy difunde la espiritualidad de Ignacio de Loyola

Antonia Lynn fue una de las primeras mujeres en Inglaterra en ser ordenada diaconisa de la Iglesia Anglicana. Hoy es una laica católica, miembro del Ordinariato anglocatólico de Nuestra Señora de Walsingham y una apasionada de la espiritualidad ignaciana, que propaga a tiempo y destiempo. La guía de San Ignacio y un profundo amor por … Read more

The Catalan matrix of the spirituality of Saint Ignatius de Loyola. The Black Pope at the presentation of the film “The Ignatian Way”

In recent days, the Generalitat de Catalunya presented, first at the Vatican Film Library in Palazzo San Carlo and then at the Casa del Cinema in Villa Borghese, the documentary “The Ignatian Way” by the Catalan director Jordi Roigé. The delegate in Italy of the Government of Catalonia, Luca Bellizzi, the director of the Office … Read more

Palabras de Ignacio de Loyola a un jesuita de hoy

Karl Rahner S.J. Prenotando Yo, Ignacio de Loyola, pretendo en estas líneas decir algo acerca de mí y de la tarea de los jesuitas, supuesto que aún hoy sigan sintiéndose comprometidos con aquel espíritu que en otro tiempo determinó, en mí y en mis primeros compañeros, los comienzos de esta Orden. No voy a contar … Read more

Loyola is consolidated as a quality university, a benchmark in the Andalusian context

Opening act./Photo: Loyola University Opening act./Photo: Loyola University The rector, Gabriel Pérez Alcalá, has assured in his inaugural speech of this academic year 2022/2023, the tenth since its creation, that “Quality is the mirror in which all universities must look, regardless of their legal nature, be it public or private. The important thing is if … Read more

Mistica quotidiana e cultura contemporanea: Ignazio di Loyola | La Civiltà Cattolica

La domanda sul perché per oltre 400 anni la dimensione mistica della vita di Ignazio sia stata quasi dimenticata o deliberatamente sottovalutata conduce a una storia lunga e affascinante. La sua riscoperta è in gran parte dovuta al rinnovato interesse per le fonti ignaziane originarie, già in atto all’inizio del Novecento, ma poi voluto dal … Read more

With Saint Ignatius of Loyola, in everything to love and serve

Message from the Archbishop, Don Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa, for July 31, 2022 Dear brothers and sisters: Today, July 31, we celebrate the feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. The admirable legacy of Ignatius, who passed away on a day like today, in the year 1556, reminds us of … Read more

The Catalan matrix of the spirituality of Saint Ignatius de Loyola. The black Pope at the presentation of the film “The Ignatian Way”

In recent days, the Generalitat de Catalunya presented, first at the Vatican Filmoteca in Palazzo San Carlo and then at the Casa del Cinema in Villa Borghese, the documentary “The Ignatian Way” by Catalan director Jordi Roigé. The delegate in Italy of the Government of Catalonia, Luca Bellizzi, the director of the Ignatian Way Office, … Read more