What diet to do to lose 5 pounds quickly after the holidays? What to ban and prioritize to succeed?

The Christmas holidays, so awaited by everyone, convey so much positivism. The festive spirit is charged with spirituality, but also with purely material leisure. Like good food for example! Dishes and desserts that you only taste once a year. It is for this reason perhaps that we are inclined to overconsume. Despite the short holiday … Read more

María de Mondo: “The ego can make us lose great opportunities in life”

When you are very concerned about the opinion of others, you fear ridicule and always try to be right, what is hidden behind so many insecurities may be, paradoxically, a excess of ego, that false judge that we carry inside, a self-boycotting Jiminy Cricket that ends up disconnecting people from themselves. The psychologist, coach and … Read more

Slimming diet: Here is the one you need to do according to your astrological sign to lose weight this year!

Want to know the right slimming diet for your zodiac sign? Read our article for the right advice. Summer is approaching and it is important for some of us to take care of our appearance. Thus, it is better to apply a slimming diet as soon as possible to have the perfect body. In this … Read more