Aura : comment voir l’aura des gens et quelle est la signification de chaque couleur ?

Comment faire pour voir son aura (ou celui de ses proches) en fermant les yeux ou en les gardant bien ouverts ? Découvrez nos astuces pour apprendre à repérer le champ électromagnétique de ceux qui vous entourent… Si certains peuvent voir l’aura d’une personne en 60 secondes et analyser ses sept chakras, il est plus … Read more

Laura Chimenti: I entrust myself to the Madonna and I pray the Rosary

In fact, her parents have always been fervent practicing Catholics, and they imparted to her a religious but not bigoted education, the same one she tries to pass on to her three daughters: Margherita, Bianca and Gloria, 16, 9 and 7 years old respectively. A flag “planted” on the rock of prayer to God, and … Read more

Big Brother 2022: Laura Ubfal and “Coti” starred in a spicy crossover and the young woman went viral

There is no doubt that in recent years one of the drivers who has given the most talk has been Viviana Canosa, either for his explosive reports or for his opinions regarding Argentine politics. His abrupt departure from A24 He also placed her at the center of the media debate and after several months managed … Read more


Coordinamento redazionale di Angelo Mistrangelo   SAN MAURO TORINESE. OMAGGIO A EZIO GRIBAUDO    L’ANNO 2023 AL CASTELLO DI RIVOLI Nell’anno 2023 il programma del Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea prevede importanti nuove mostre, attività educative, di ricerca, di cura delle Collezioni e numerose attività collaterali. Come di consueto, il Museo organizzerà inoltre attività … Read more

Meet Laura Tezoco, a Nahua artist who creates, expresses and highlights culture

Córdoba, Ver.- A girl who never saw limits and learned with the culture of effort to see life from other eyes, today she dreams of building great things and on that path she has already left her mark, his particular style has been reflected in some murals in the region where his art refers to … Read more

Laura Mora: ‘El punk me ha salvado la vida por muchas cosas’

Laura Mora es la directora de cine latinoamericano del momento. Su película Los reyes del mundo se estrenó hace poco y está cosechando premios en todos los festivales en que se exhibe, incluyendo el galardón máximo del Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián, España, uno categoría A, como el de Venecia o Cannes. Además, … Read more

“La Justicia actuó con absoluto desprecio por esas vidas” | Entrevista a Laura Taffetani, abogada de las mujeres mapuche detenidas

A cuentagotas, con enorme esfuerzo, tratando de perforar el silencio que desde la Justicia y las fuerzas de seguridad rodea el allanamiento, represión y posterior detención de siete mujeres de la comunidad mapuche Lafken Winkul Mapu, en Villa Mascardi, el 4 de octubre, comienza a revelarse la catarata de irregularidades de un proceso judicial y … Read more

Exhibition in Geneva – Joana Vasconcelos finds herself at Laura Gowen

– Joana Vasconcelos finds herself at Laura Gowen’s The Portuguese knows what she wants. She told me about her work with her team of knitters. For her, it’s all about positive vibes… Posted today at 6:37 p.m. Joana Vasconcelos. Do not be fooled by the “fragile” inscription! Arlindo Camacho, photo from Joana Vasconcelos’s website. The … Read more

Laura Mora: “The wealth of the land has been a sentence”

Laura Mora (Medellín, 41 years old) is obsessed with justice and defines herself as eternally disobedient. She gets emotional remembering when she and the stars of her most recent film, The Kings of the worlddescended the steps of the Kursaal Auditorium at the San Sebastián Film Festival after the international premiere and were met by … Read more