Jaime Maussan participará en Congreso Mundial sobre experiencia OVNI: fechas e invitados especiales

Jaime Maussan, ufólogo y periodista, presentó en la Cámara de Diputados de México a las supuestas ‘momias humanoides Nasca tridáctilas’ (con tres dedos), halladas en Perú. Jaime Maussan, el reconocido periodista y ufólogo mexicano, será sólo uno de los ponentes que se presentará en el próximo Congreso Mundial de Ufología, el cual tendrá como sede … Read more

120 years after the birth of Jaime Galté

By Sergio Salinas Canas In Jaime Galté Carré there are three broad lines of development: ethics, concerned with the set of norms that dignify human behavior; the philosophical, not to philosophize but for the validity of fundamental principles and values; and initiation, as a spiritual experience of change from one stage of life to another, … Read more

Anne Lefèvre : “Quand j’ai le cœur lourd, j’aime écouter du Bach”

Épouse, mère, chanteuse… Anne Lefèvre, qui s’est fait connaître en 2020 en remportant avec sa famille la victoire de “La France a un Incroyable Talent”, se confie à Aleteia. Dans une interview fleuve, elle raconte sans détour sa vie de mère de famille nombreuse, sa vie spirituelle, sa vie de femme, et sa passion pour … Read more

23 years after the death of Jaime Garzón: artistic expressions about his life continue

Twenty-three years after his death, Alfredo Garzón, brother of Jaime Garzón, will launch a graphic novel about the reasons that led to the murder of the famous character. Jaime Hernando Garzon Forero, the journalist, broadcaster, pedagogue, actor, lawyer, among his many faces and professions, titles, anecdotes and audiovisual records, is remembered forever, but every August … Read more

The testimony of Br. Jaime Campos, outgoing manager of the JPIC office

29 Aug The testimony of Br. Jaime Campos, outgoing manager of the JPIC office Published on August 29, 2022 in News by Alvin Te, OFM After seven years of service in the general office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, Jaime Campos returns to his province of belonging, the Province of the Holy Trinity … Read more