Poissons et Capricorne : Comment l’astrologie influence

Poissons et Capricorne : l’influence de l’astrologie sur leur relation amoureuse Dans le monde de l’astrologie, chaque signe possède des caractéristiques uniques qui influencent la façon dont les personnes interagissent les unes avec les autres. Les relations entre les Poissons et les Capricornes sont souvent décrites comme étant empreintes de poésie, douceur, tendresse et dévouement. … Read more

Charlene of Monaco under the influence? This mysterious woman who surrounds him in the shadows

Charlene of Monaco has never hidden his attraction to spirituality. The wife of Prince Albert of Monacowhich has recently been received by Pope Francis at the Vatican, prays regularly and enjoys going to church. “She found faith. faith saved her. She converted to Catholicism by her marriage, it was not part of her genes, nor … Read more

Gurus, crooks 2.0: the new faces of sectarian influence

In its 2021 activity report, published on November 3, the Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Abuses (Miviludes) warns of “the vivacity of the sectarian phenomenon, its extent and its dangerousness” of which she notes the “crossing a new threshold” with 4,020 referrals in 2021, an increase of 33.6% compared to the … Read more

Do eclipses affect pregnancy? The most viral myths about the influence of the full moon

There are Meteorological phenomena who are still surrounded by mysticism and spirituality. An example are eclipses, which due to their beauty and fleetingness trap us and unleash ancient beliefs that science refuted long ago. If that joins the pregnancy and fertilitytwo other events that have always been related to nature, we get a cocktail full … Read more

“I saw the process of influence”: This secretary of state recounts her childhood with her Scientologist mother

EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP France’s Secretary of State for Citizenship Sonia Backes speaks during a session of questions to the government at The National Assembly in Paris on October 25, 2022. (Photo by Emmanuel DUNAND / AFP) EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP (Secretary of State Sonia Backès at the National Assembly on October 25, 2022) SECTE … Read more

3 great spiritual leaders with a lot of influence today

Last update: 20 October, 2017 We live in a time somewhat desert, where the great spiritual leaders have been disappearing. There were times when particularly evolved people were a reference to find lights that hinted the way. His presence and his word had great relevance. They were listened to and partly admired. Today several of … Read more

Des westerns à “Star Wars”, comment Akira Kurosawa a influencé Hollywood

Plans somptueux, scénarios de maître et sabre ensanglantés… À l’occasion de la rétrospective Akira Kurosawa à la Cinémathèque, Numéro s’est intéressé à la façon dont le cinéaste japonais disparu en 1998 a influencé les westerns cultes de Sergio Leone tout autant que les duels légendaires de la saga Star Wars…   Sanjuro, personnage principal du long-métrage … Read more

Jeanne Mas: under the influence of a medium!

Two years ago, the interpreter of In red and black came out a particular work, entitled Awakening (ed. Michel Lafon). The singer delivered a personal testimony on reincarnation. Convinced of having lived other lives before hers, she claimed to have always been inhabited by this strange feeling. The 64-year-old artist, in the midst of a … Read more

The cultural influence of the Jesuits in the city (1540

Interior of the church of the former school of the Society of Jesus of Segovia. Photography by Rubén Pascual López. On October 14, the “Hontanar” Culture Classroom resumes its “training” proposal, and gradually recovers the activities that were interrupted during the pandemic. Among the novelties that await us for this course we find the space … Read more

Full and New Moon: the dates of the most energetic lunar phases until the end of the year and their influence on each zodiac sign

The Moon charges us with strength, beauty, magic and spirituality. And as if this were not enough, it also predisposes us to love. Why waste it? The same thought the Celts whose life was based on nature and lunar cycles. For them, the forest was their laboratory and the Moon represented the feminine aspect of … Read more