INDIA: más que espiritualidad, especias y cultura ancestral.

Articulo escrito por Rafael Rivas Madera, a modo de colaboracion para Bienvenidos a la tierra de los dioses, India, meca de una de las industrias cinematográficas más importantes de toda Asia, aquí en la ciudad de Mumbai se producen alrededor de más 1000 películas al año. Bollywood es sinónimo de alegría, cultura, danza, música … Read more

«La India ha sido el gran laboratorio de las relaciones y de las civilizaciones humanas»

El indólogo y doctor en Filosofía y Filología Sánscrita Òscar Pujol (Arbós, 1959) acaba de publicar una nueva edición y traducción de uno de los grandes clásicos esenciales de la humanidad, ‘La Bhagavadgītā‘ (Kairós). En una apasionante conversación entre Zaragoza y Nueva Delhi dilucidamos acerca del elevado acervo cultural, filosófico e intelectual de la India, … Read more

Mateo Aimaretti: “India te hace sentir como un astronauta”

Así como los Beatles intentaron plasmar en “Within you without you” la impresión que les había dejado la cultura hindú, asumiendo que “todos somos uno”, y que el individuo es una pequeñísima parte de la vida, esa corriente que fluye dentro de cada uno pero también por fuera, “Paradise, bunnies and flowers”, ópera prima del … Read more

What is India like, beyond the stereotypes | They published a chronicle by Fernando Duclos, “Periodistán”

India is so vast and complex that having managed to capture in just over 300 pages a rich personal experience, plus a synthesis of the country’s historical evolution, added to its cultural, political and religious contradictions, can be classified as a miracle. However, nothing more earthly than A trip to India of flesh and blooda … Read more

The Beatles and India, a lysergic relationship

Director Joy Bose directs this documentary about the Liverpool quartet’s trip to India. In The Beatles and India Archive images and interviews with several of the protagonists of this event follow one another. A brief portrait of the enormous influence of Indian culture on the group’s way of being and making music. For many one … Read more

“A trip to India of flesh and blood”, a country that is much more than yoga and Ayurveda

The Argentine traveler Fernando Duclós, known online as Periodistán, published his new book, “A flesh and blood trip to India”, in which he recounts the five months he spent in that “subcontinent” where 1.4 billion people live. people in a territory not much larger than Argentina. In line with his previous book in which he … Read more

Duclós: “India is not eating more spice or praying more times a day, it is another conception of life”

Journalistan and a trip to the heart of India. / Press photo. In line with his previous book in which he traveled the Silk Road, the Argentine journalist Fernando Duclós, known on social networks as Periodistán, has just launched his book “A trip to India of flesh and blood”, where he displays his impressions and … Read more

Duclós: India is not eating more spice or praying more times a day, it is another conception of life

(By Mercedes Ezquiaga) In line with his previous book in which he traveled the Silk Road, the Argentine journalist Fernando Duclós, known on social networks as Periodistán, has just launched his book “A trip to India of flesh and blood” , where he displays his impressions and sensations of spending five months in this nation … Read more

The adventure of Gabriele Gottardo: from Liguria to India by motorbike, with a great desire for freedom

delhi. “This trip is different from all the others because I have no obligations to fulfill. I don’t have a return ticket.” Gabriel Gotthard and his backpack, on his shoulder. From Celle Ligure to India and, for the first time, free and without tasks. Him, the bike. Markets. Crowd. Colors. The cars and the orderly … Read more

India: Hindu nationalists call for banning ‘beef eaters’ in temples

Published on : 09/12/2022 – 12:28 In India, a very famous couple of actors were prevented from going to a temple because of a decade-old tweet in which one of them said to eat beef, a sin for certain branches of the Hinduism. Extremists then organized a demonstration in front of the sacred place which … Read more